Hit Bull Win Steak

Now let’s discuss how most of the blue collar, rank-and-file union types aren’t exactly “woke” and voted overwhelmingly for Trump...



Definitely pulling the lever (twice) for double handjobs!

Cameraman: dammit MARTA!!!!!!

I always assumed this was how you tipped Space Taxi

Did Ted Nugent get to Brian Setzer or something?

A while back the NY Times, I think it was, calculated that K-Cup coffee costs about $50 per pound. To put that into perspective, a bag of Starbucks basic blend costs $12 per pound, and a pound of Dunkin’ Donuts original blend is $9.

Upon viewing this again I get how maybe that segment gets taken the wrong way, but my take away from the whole 30 for 30 was more like “look at this sad old degenerate fool who fucked up his life and alienated his family” more than anything else.

“I’m fine guys. I told you, the concussion water works!”

came for this. was not disappointed..

Love these patriotic dick waving contests.

this guy? The guy who wears a full length men’s fur coat to Eagles games?

I would call this a “quick hot take,” but we all know Marchman doesn’t even own a microwave.

Counterpoint: Detroit Is Still Stuck with Eric Ebron.

German Race Car

That was back when Borat was big. He kind of got swept up in it.

McNair wasnt even an owner until 2002. He bought into a country club.

Momentum isn’t really a thing in a series like this, but maybe belief is.