Hit Bull Win Steak

Dammit Mom, stop trying to set me up on dates!

I inserted a belch after each paragraph.

It’s like if you took a Nuremberg rally and made it wear cargo shorts.

Dom, are you upset that Aziz Ansari isn’t bringing you back for a third season of Master or None?

Christ, if the Flames packed up and moved to Quebec City the Canadian sports media would be like the snake eating it’s own tail.

Right the wrong of 1980!

Boltman says a lot of things...

The only one of those four who is an American is Okposo. And as an Islander fan I’d take umbrage with designating him a “star.”

Not sure I could name an African American player that I’d actually consider a “star?” Byfuglien? Seth Jones? maybe

The cognitive dissonance shown by the people who spewed venom at Kaepernick for kneeling, but now laud Villanueva for standing for the anthem is staggering.

Worst. Buzzfeed Listicle. Ever.

pawning off Joe Flacco on black people may be the biggest insult of all.

The most hollow gesture by cowboys since Jake Gylenhall told Heath Ledger’s wife they were going on a “hunting trip.”

You know this is going to result in a 450 page FBI document on LeBron’s hairline.

Do you even lift, bro...fessor?

Kraft: Shit! They’ve discovered our tap water ruse. Commence Operation: Pay Toilets!

Or the difference between being cool and being Kool.

Simple rule change, just make it so a game can’t end on an overturned score. Give the offense an untimed down afterwards. That way you can still prevent the faking of injuries, etc. with the 10 second runoff still being applicable there.

only the fucking Lions.