Hit Bull Win Steak

This is not for me to determine.

‘96 John Salley just took Steph off the dribble.

Cool story, Davy Crockett.

If only there were some other way you could summon a ride to anywhere you needed to go for a nominal fee, perhaps also through your cell phone but with a slightly lower chance of you being found cut up into pieces in a dumpster in Eau Claire....

Cavs Postgame Report: Grim, Reefer

Yeah can you guys just hurry it up and finish killing each other over who has the cooler magical sky person so we can get back to shit that really matters?

and all this time we thought Trump would be the first to create a Messi World.

this was also my review of Jane Eyre

Anybody else forced to buck up and buy the $25 bottle of “Blue Lizard” because your wife’s Mom Group™ said it was the “best?” Price aside, it’s like coating your kids in fucking pancake batter.

You’re never gonna run with the Big Dogs with that attitude.

Where’s your crown, King Nothing?

Outside of the Trump Administration is there a worse collection of people than the ones who sit courtside at NBA games?

Your move, Kim Jong Un.

Where will the bus to Hell be leaving from?

he probably just assumed they were season ticket holders.

He’ll rue the day he underestimated Frank Castle at the French Open.

it’s never acceptable to toss any sensitive, intelligent animal’s body onto the ice during a hockey game.

Hockey Clue is the WORST!

Stay in Yo Lane, cuz there ain’t a chance in hell I’m actually gonna try to drive it.

The NHL was also considering a lifetime ban since Gary Bettman doesn’t like being upstaged by another bottom-feeder.