
D. Va isn’t useless. She’s just not able to 1v1 every character in the game anymore, which is not a bad thing. She can still dive a soldier or widow who has the high ground on your team, and she can still nullify half the ultimate abilities in the game with her defense matrix. She just can’t run off on her own

I mostly agree. CTF is a perfectly fine game type for Overwatch. All characters aren’t balanced for it, but that’s ok. A lot of characters aren’t balanced for some of the competitive game types either. Do you see Torbjorn and Symmetra getting played a lot on King of the Hill maps?

I was at this game. Weirdest game I’ve ever seen. Also, not that it really matters, but UAB pretty much just dribbled out the clock for the last 6 minutes and tried took some jump shots. They had a 13 point lead and were just trying to end the game as soon as possible.

I think you misunderstand what people mean when they say they “main” a character. Typically, it just means that they play that character the most, either because they just like that character or the group they play with asks them to play that character. For example, I’m a Reinhardt main because I’m good at playing

In my limited experience playing the game mode last night, it seems that D. Va is the key to winning. Setting up a decent defense with Torb, Symmetra, etc. does a pretty good job of holding off the other team’s attack and attacking the opposing flag with D. Va and one or two other characters (Mei is a good choice for

You must not have been playing the game much a few months ago. Probably 3 or 4 months ago Mercy POTGs were out of control. I think it was right after they gave Mercy a small buff. It seemed like every time a Mercy rezzed at least 3 people it was POTG. Even if there was a Team Kill, the Mercy rez still got POTG.

I honestly am not that worried about the D. Va nerf. She’s probably my second most played character right now, and I’m ok with the changes. Her biggest value is still her defense matrix which has the ability to virtually nullify half of the ultimate abilities in the game. Also, reducing her survivability will force

They have that. It’s called the PTR. The map that just got added has been on there for probably a month. This glitch isn’t game breaking. It’s an annoyance that occurs rarely and mostly in an arcade game mode that has nothing to do the primary competitive game mode. I play this game almost every day, and I’ve never

The game is immensely more enjoyable playing with a full 6-stack of friends rather than solo-queuing with random people online. I love the game and play it more than any other game except possibly Rocket League, but I have to be in the right frame of mind to endure solo queue. Not only is it just easier to form a

I just want the Winston Yeti skin. After having nothing but crappy skins for my second most played character, this is all I care about from this winter event. It also doesn’t help that nearly everyone in the group that I play with has unboxed it except me. If I don’t unbox it by tonight, I’m just going to spend nearly

I find the Reddit comparison funny since half the articles on this site are retreads of stuff that I read on Reddit about 24 hours before it shows up here.

All of these updates sound really cool. I don’t play Symmetra, but one of the guys in the group I play with does and has been waiting for this update for a while. All of these changes sound like they will make her a much more viable pick. The only one I don’t quite understand is the Photon Barrier. I will have to see

I will add the caveat that there were a few missions where stealth was impossible. The junkyard mission that you mentioned is one of those. Though I will point out that if you quit playing at that mission, then you barely played half the game.

Maybe that was your experience, but I played every mission including the Bad Blood DLC and used stealth for the majority of the missions. I was usually able to take out the majority of the enemies either by hacking different devices or isolating them and taking them out with a headshot with a silenced pistol or melee.

I haven’t played the new one yet, but I disagree about stealth in the first one. I used stealth to take out the vast majority of the enemies I faced in the first game. Anytime I entered a restricted area and had to get through a large number of enemies, I could usually take out at least half of them without being

I recommend it. The great thing about Overwatch is that there are so many different characters that everyone can find at least one that they like playing. Unlike most other shooter games where it is a bunch of faceless soldiers with assault rifles, you don’t have to get a ton of kills to be useful to your team. You

I haven’t played her yet, but I heard in an interview that they said they have already made some number changes to her between what was seen at Blizzcon and what is now on the PTR. Expect some adjusting of cooldowns and things like that before she becomes balanced. I’m looking forward to playing her later today though.

I know there are a lot of Reinhardt player who charge too much and leave their teammates unprotected, but charging is a very valuable ability if used correctly. When attacking control points many times it is the best way to break through the other team’s defensive hold at a choke point. As with most strategies in

After just seeing this on Reddit and reading the article, I feel obligated to point out that this article as well as the headline of the Reddit post highlight a very small and insignificant point of the article to get clicks, but the original Sports Illustrated profile is very well written and one of the best human

I feel like I’m the only one that enjoyed the first game.