
We all know that Kaepernick should be on a roster, but don’t disrespect Joe Webb. He may not have taken many snaps at QB in the last several years, but he is one of the most athletic and diverse players you will find in the NFL. For the last several seasons, he has been the 3rd string QB, held a spot on the depth

I don’t care what anyone says. I enjoyed Ready Player One. To be fair, I listened to the audiobook, which was brilliantly read by Wil Wheaton. Maybe some of that dialogue that you referenced would have bothered me more if I had read it myself, but I found the audiobook to be thoroughly enjoyable.

If anyone has any claim against the Overwatch League logo, it’s Burp Suite. I use Burp every day, so that’s what I see every time I see that logo. Of course since one is a security tool and the other is an esports league, I doubt many people will get them confused.

The Cavs don’t need another play maker. They have plenty of offense. The just need help on perimeter defense. Paul George would definitely be a good option as a perimeter defender, but he would cost more than what they should spend to get what they need. They just need a good perimeter defender that can give a LeBron

Oh look. Jokes about southerners being stupid. Originality abounds.

That’s true, but the Warriors have only gained that unbeatable reputation within the last 2 or 3 years. Up until then the West was just thought of as a lot of good teams without one team that is always the one you have to get past to win a championship. A lot of star players may feel like they have a better chance of

It is very possible that the very reason that the East is so much weaker than the West is because of the dominance of LeBron. Since LeBron has been in his prime, there have been tons of superstar players that have gone through free agency. How many of them have chosen to sign with a team in the East? Very few. Just a

I’m glad we could have this logical discussion like rational adults. You complained about teammates. We provided a solution to your problem.

Did you stop reading after the first sentence of his comment? There are many places on Discord or Reddit where you can easily find people to play with. If you find those people in the Discord channel of a YouTube or Twitch channel that is specifically dedicated to teaching the strategy of the game, you can be

I think one of the biggest draws that Battlegrounds has over King of the Kill is the ability to spectate. There are other features that I think make it a better game, but spectating is one of the best features to convince streamers to play the game, which in turn makes many of their viewers want to play the game.

Honestly the meta is pretty fluid right now. There are probably more characters that are considered viable right now than for the majority of the lifetime of the game. There are certainly some characters that are considered better at their role than others, for example Solder: 76 is considered to be the superior

Am I the only one that thought that this was not a good game of basketball? It was very unorganized. There were hardly any plays called by either team. Most possessions hardly involved any passing or screening or anything. It was just hero ball on every possession. It was an exciting ending, and I’m sure it was very

Maybe because they are a tech company. The amount of technology in these cars makes them much more like a server on wheels than a car. Not to mention that Tesla does much more than just make cars now. Their philosophy as a company has always been to approach things from a technology perspective first, which is why

I’m glad they aren’t making her available in competitive yet. I think that is the best way to introduce a new hero. Hopefully when she does become available in competitive, it will reduce the number of people who don’t know how to play the character yet picking her just because she’s new.

I agree with the assessment that the outrage over the Bastion buff is a little bit too extreme. A coordinated team can still render a Bastion useless. My only issue with Bastion right now is that his survivability seems to be a little bit too high. I don’t have a problem with his high DPS or increased mobility. I just

Every time I see someone incorrectly bring up “freedom of speech” I feel obligated to clarify things for them. First of all, Pewdiepie isn’t an American, nor does he live or work in the US. Therefore, any US laws and/or constitutional rights do not apply whatsoever. Secondly, even if he did live and work in America,

I unboxed the D. Va, Reinhardt, Roadhog, and Junkrat skins, and I bought the Winston and Tracer skins. The only one I really wanted that I neither unboxed or was able to afford with in-game currency was the Zenyatta skin. All of those boxes were earned through leveling up too. I didn’t buy any boxes.

I think Sombra can be very viable for breaking through a choke on the first point of maps like Hanamura or Eichenwalde. She can get behind the front line and hack their Reinhardt making it much easier for their team push through the choke. I just don’t think she is viable for most other situations. At this point, she

He’s starting to come back into the meta with the recent patch. The recent nerfs/buffs are starting to move the meta away from tanks and back into more offensive characters like Genji and McCree. Having more squishy, mobile characters makes Winston’s tesla cannon a more viable weapon. I would still love to see him get

It isn’t Blizzard’s job to buff or balance the characters that you personally play just because you think the players you play with aren’t doing their job correctly. In that one comment you complained that D. Va should be able to be a better tank because Reinhardt doesn’t keep his shield up, be able to the job of the