
These are kids; telling a trusted adult is not a “wasted step”, and it also allows her some accommodation from the school, so she doesn’t have to ride the same bus with him or whatnot. Give the girl a break- she did nothing wrong. No one can ever be a victim perfectly enough to meet everyone’s standards.

This is a really fucking ridiculous thing to say. Describing a mental breakdown as manipulative and selfish in its fucking timing implies that you think he was planning to make it All About Him. This is an extremely fucking unhelpful attitude, and yet another thing for a person (Kanye) with a serious mental illness to

I’ve heard a lot of people argue that modern interconnectedness and globalization will save us all from this; the Chinese can’t possibly do more than huff, because we’re too intertwined. Even if the economic entanglements weren’t so huge, the old Cold War math of mutual destruction will stop any two major powers like

Let’s not speculate everyone. Let’s not speculate why a white man in his 50's can shoot a black man in broad daylight and not even be held in custody. Let’s not speculate about the competence of the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Department when they allowed Steven Seagal to be a reserve and have him filmed while working

I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration. The SCO has served to set up a lot of joint military exercises, but NATO has a really solid core behind it the SCO doesn’t. The SCO wants to be NATO, but it’s lacking in the trust between states and the solid chain of command and the like. Russia and China are also rivals

It’s also a matter of understanding how other cultures function, even if certain things seem “silly” to us. Trump is acting like the loud, ugly American in Paris who won’t eat anything but McDonald’s. He has no idea how other cultures function, or how people in other cultures think.

Yeah? Well, that’s just like... your fact, man.

I agree with you completely. I’ve been arguing about this with liberal friends in the northeast for years now... they have no idea how terrible public education is basically anywhere outside of bougie coastal suburbs. I graduated from public school in Indiana with classmates that couldn’t read, and almost none who had

It’s a problem that traces its roots to the American educational system and thus requires a long-term solution involving a radical overhaul of how Americans are taught to think.

I’m in my mid-30s, so still “young” but with middle-age in sight. And I’m freaked -- things were bleak enough, but now, best-case, I’ll be in my 40s before this shit gets straightened out. And that’s very unlikely, even if Trump is a one-termer and the damage is minimal, the damage that’s already been done is going to

I don’t get it.

Manhattan will be missed.

No, the spear was to test whether Jesus was actually dead; otherwise, the Romans would  have broken his legs, as was customary in crucifixions.

re: Jesus and the cross - I disagree with you here, Drew. All the significance you’re assigning to the cross/crucifixion is entirely arbitrary. I agree with Evan: however he died would have become the symbol. Which should make us happy there weren’t electric chairs back then.

Oh I have such a shame. I allowed a genetically altered bin of NOXplode to bite an Abercrombie & Fitch cable knit sweater and now we have this apple smashing creature to deal with. I am so sorry.

I have divorced parents and in-laws. I’ve got this shit down.

get shitty among the dinosaur skeletons

Fridays (if your bosses are chill) or Thursdays (if your bosses are nerds)

...or risk spending one of the best Saturdays of the year drinking your homemade eggnog alone...

No doubt he’ll make a modest proposal.