
Yes, absolutely, free falling into a manic episode and being 5150'd in front of the world is probably the most humiliating thing for someone who appears to have narcissistic tendencies ( purposeful understatement) and there are 1 million other “stunts” less acutely painful that Kanye West could do for “attention”.

I’m not crazy about what’s been done to her face in general either, but I do appreciate her being open about it. Igloo has a lot of younger fans (who probably don’t realize the fake American blaccent is really wrong but that’s another subject), and they might easily not know better than to think she just looks like

Ha ha, I get it! It’s funny because Kanye is mentally ill, and his wife, who has had kind of a garbage time recently, what with being held and robbed and gunpoint, and then finding out that she can no longer bear children, is upset and scared and supporting him through his hospitalization!

You’re neither particularly funny nor adept at posting memes.

This is not going to be looked at kindly in the history books.

I think he looks like a mean, demented astronaut.

Well, if we’re going to be terrified either way, I’d at least prefer to be terrified while still having my health insurance.

the dogs?

You forgot the obvious one. Booze.

I really feel bad for Kim and their kids.

please everyone. no more snark or assholery regarding kanye. he’s a human being who deserves our care and compassion, regardless of your opinion on him, his wife, his lifestyle, or anything else.

I feel bad for Kanye, he hasnt been the same since his mom’s death. Here’s hoping he recovers.

A convoluted publicity stunt would fail the occams razor test. There’s ample evidence that Kanye has been struggling for a long time. Also, the story as it exists right now is that it was a doctor who made the call. I’d imagine there are serious consequences for filing a false police report that resulted in someone’s

Seriously. Please find a way to stop perpetuating this cycle of misdirection. We really need to focus on mitigating the impending doom of DTs appointments and coming administration. DO NOT LET THEM DISTRACT US!

One post about Pence being booed at Hamilton and the cast clapping back at him, fine. A second post about the pumpkin-elect being a baby over it, pushing it but understandable. This, this is not relevant. I am not condoning what past Brandon Dixon said because it is gross. But we don’t live in a vacuum, and

It’s really more of a “no gain” stare.

Seriously? I am decidedly not offended. this does not help us gain ground- it pushes the “false equivalency” from the whole election. I’m honestly more offended that this is a story on this site. And I’m a women that gets drunk on st Patrick’s day.

When I was a kid, our cat had an unexpected litter of kittens. I named them all after kickers and punters — Jan Stenerud, Uwe Von Schammann, Tony Franklin... I was a weird child.

Honestly, it’s a gross tweet, but..... I can’t seem to feel any outrage over this. Maybe I’m so accustomed to men talking like this that this tweet is very “vanilla” to me. I get it, hahaha a bunch of drunken white chicks... perfect time to get some, its bad but it’s not so bad that I’m gonna write him off. The way I