Dream Renee Kardashian.
Dream Renee Kardashian.
Term limits for POTUS are a safeguard against dictatorship. And it’s debatable whether it is actually necessary (though Latin American strongmen like to scrap them).
I was 18 in 2000 and voted for Gore.
Yes and no. This is actually worse. Yet - though angry and horrified - I’m actually calmer now than in 2000. When the Bush v Gore decision was handed down my seventeen year old self cried for hours. I think the shock is more profound this time around. The Shrub had at least served as Governor of Texas, not just as a…
Oh, there going to have to manage him a lot better than they did during the campaign. His next briefing will be the one where he’ll be shown the real stakes in this game and I’m sure the consequences will be clearly outlined for him as well. He’s had his fun, now he’ll find out what real power is and who weilds it.
There was no vileness with Bush. He was a fool but he was the town fool. Trump is a bully. Not a fool but a straight up terrorizing bully. That’s the difference. There is a hatred in him that wasn’t in Bush.
I just... I don’t get what’s happening in the US. I’m so angry right now I can’t stop shaking. Even if Trump is struck by lightning tomorrow and as a result his entire personality changes and he becomes the greatest President your country has ever had, you’ll still have voted (overwhelmingly?) for a man who admitted…
I’m not a huge cry-er. I take things on the chin and move on. I felt such immense pride casting my vote for such a qualified and amazing woman earlier today. I stopped and took the moment in. I immediately saved my I voted sticker.
You’ve marched right on to the bargaining stage, then? I’m still grappling with denial.
LikeSarah Lynn, this will be my new motto for the next four years
2000 was my very first political election as a voting adult. I remember feeling such horror. I wish I could tell 18 year old me to hush, that just 16 years in the future it would be 100x worse and I should just enjoy the insanity for the moment in time that it is.
In 2000 people were worried about stupidity taking power and slowing social change. It wasn’t nearly as disappointing as the idea of hate taking power and reversing civil rights.
Worse than 2000 by leaps and bounds.
I sincerely hope that this is sarcastic hyperbole.
Please don’t. This is so beyond shitty I don’t even have words for it, but please don’t let this make you give up. National Suicide hotline is Call 1-800-273-8255
White folks
BRITAIN: Brexit is the stupidest, most self-destructive act a country could undertake. USA: Hold my beer.
My family has wondered, and repeatedly asked, why I haven’t settled down, found a wife and had a child or three. This. This idea that history will inevitably repeat itself. That the Fall of Rome, the Great Depression or the Great War are all overdue for a comeback. The fact that Trump will be in the Oval Office isn’t…