
It was her dad’s money, and she clearly did not have the sort of parents who thought it prudent to teach their children how to do things for themselves, or manage their finances, nor did she have the sense to learn those things herself. I have a friend who came from a reasonably wealthy family (she considers herself

I have no doubt that the Duggars have threatened that they’ll take the children away if she tries to divorce Josh. And they have a lot of resources behind them. Sadly, whether or not she’s completely brainwashed, she probably thinks the best way to protect her kids is to just buckle down and stay. And we don’t know

Not only does she have no work experience, but often the homeschooling these Quiverfull people receive is roughly equivalent to having a grade 4 or 5 education.


Thanks for the Maybelline Fit Me recommendation - I haven’t tried Maybelline foundation before, so I’ll take a look. I’ve had some success with the neutral foundations in L’Oreal’s True Match line (that’s how I finally figured out I have fairly neutral coloring), but they don’t really have much green in them and I

Thanks for the lipstick recommendation - I’ll definitely give that one a try. Easier to take a risk on something like e.l.f. versus, well, anything at Sephora.

SAME! I was starting to feel like a weirdo that the only lipsticks that look good on me are orange and purple which seems.... not normal. They seem like the sort of lipstick colors that become trendy and suddenly everyone sighs and magazines need to have articles to teach people how to wear them and not look horrible.

I’ve really been struggling to figure out lipstick colors that work for me. So far, it seems the best for me are orange or purple. Brown on my lips looks so strange. And anything frosty is hilariously bad.

I did manage to find an esthetician who is very skilled at eyebrow shaping, and holy crap what a huge difference it can make. And then once they set the framework for you, you can maintain it yourself for months and months at a time.

The problem is twofold - my colouring is fairly uncommon (pale neutral with olive undertones, as discussed elsewhere), so it is hellishly difficult to find foundation and concealer that don’t just sit on top of my skin looking bizarre and obvious. Now that I’ve realized I don’t fit into the standard warm/cool, average

I sort of feel for Rex Tillerson. He’s not an insane ideologue like DeVos or Pruitt, or a confused and disengaged hanger-on like Carson or Perry. I think he genuinely got into this job thinking, pretty delusionally I think we can all agree, that he had a lot to offer and could do a good job. I really don’t think he

Yes! I eventually figured out this is exactly my problem - I have mostly neutral skin, with slight olive undertones, still pale, but the olive tones make it look darker than it, in fact, is. I remember sitting at the Bobbi Brown counter in a department store while the woman working kept trying every single colour on

I would consider using this to mess around and try to figure out what colors are flattering on me. I have really strange coloring that makes it really difficult to find flattering make-up. I usually can’t shop in stores because salespeople always “help” but then have no fucking idea how to find anything that actually

While nepotism is most often used to refer to people giving unfair advantages to family members, the term covers friends as well. And I’d say it’s fair to say she’s getting most of the acting roles she’s getting not because she’s the best actor to audition, but due to the social networks she’s cultivated. Given what

The thing is that Trump gave them a pretty big out by claiming it was a wiretap on the phones at Trump Tower. That’s very easily denied, without denying that any kind of surveillance took place.

I miss the days when video cameras were big and you could tell when people were recording you. In unrelated news, I’m never dancing in public again.

Given the weird computer communications between Trump tower and a server at a Russian Bank that some computer security experts brought up and then everyone suddenly shut up about, I have no doubt at least part of Trump tower was eventually put under some sort of surveillance last year. The issue is more that he

Also the fact that his approval rating appears to be nose-diving again, even before the CBO report was released showing 24 million people (versus his promise of none) are going to lose health coverage if the Repubs health bill passes. This is a guy who only cares about ratings - he’d do anything to discredit or

I don’t think this makes him look good or bad. It’s fairly benign, which is the whole point. I’m not one who usually agrees with the idea that Trump is very strategic, doing things to serve as a distraction, but I think in this case it’s true. A 2 page summary someone cherry picked out of decades of returns tells

Well, yes, never doing an ounce of actual work in his life was a given...