That’s an interesting and helpful bit of contextual info in this case since the wife’s behavior seems a bit sketchy, and past history of animal cruelty is highly correlated with sadistic and violent behavior toward people.
That’s an interesting and helpful bit of contextual info in this case since the wife’s behavior seems a bit sketchy, and past history of animal cruelty is highly correlated with sadistic and violent behavior toward people.
Yeah, I can’t imagine there will be a surplus of books in the Trump presidential library. More like DVDs of the Apprentice.
They need to drum up viable opponents in every district, whether it’s considered competitive or not. Never underestimate the unpredictability of a pissed off electorate. The federal election before last in Canada, the entire province of Quebec went completely apeshit and voted a bunch of college kids into office…
Yeah, say what you will about Dick Nixon, but he did seem capable of some self awareness, and didn’t slip some part about how he’s “like, really smart. Totally smarter than any of you, anyway” into every speech.
The only possible positive thing that Trump could accomplish in his presidency is to, with his and his administration’s constant barrage of obvious lies, finally break down the stubborn Republican voters’ insistence on believing everything right wing media and politicians say, and disbelieving everything said by lefty…
Unless they are horrible bigots saying hateful things, I tend to unfollow versus unfriend crazy people on Facebook so I can still periodically visit their profile. That way I can see if they still think they are channeling spirits, the target of government conspiracies, going to become a famous supermodel at 35 years…
I know. If Devos is able to make the sort of mess she has in Michigan at the national level, the US will never recover. It’s already teetering on the edge of irrecoverable, but she’s definitely a tool for pushing things over that edge.
The educational system in the US is terrible compared to most (all?) other industrialized and wealthy nations. Because so many people are uninformed and haven’t had the opportunity to learn critical thinking skills, they revert to ideological rules of thumb, religious faith, and reliance on authority figures to…
He clearly did not actually visit the blog post since the line he quotes is taken completely out of context, the post itself agrees with the judges, and further describes the EO itself as being cruel and incompetently rolled out. I think if he’d had any idea what was in the blog post he would not have drawn attention…
The Republican Party officially the party of not really thinking things through.
He’s an incredibly slow typer. Look at the timestamps on his multi-part tweets: it takes him between 5 and 10 minutes to type 140 characters.
He doesn’t really do any of those things - he gets other people to do them, and takes credit for the successes, and blames others for the failures. He thinks if he piles enough paper on his desk, it looks like he’s busy and important. Even before he ran for president, I’m quite sure he just played businessman in his…
Does anyone get the sense that Kellyanne Conway is trying to get fired so that she can rehab her image in time to be able to get political work in 2018/2020 and get the fuck out of the Trump admin before the shit really hits the fan?
Again - please note part where we have one major right wing party and multiple competitive left wing/center-left parties splitting the vote. That’s why it took so much effort to get rid of them. While you guys were whining about Jill Stein getting 1 percent of the popular vote, nationwide our Green Party got 3.5% last…
To be fair, I think those court documents are less a representation of Melania’s actual thoughts and plans than of the legal strategies of the sort of aggressive-to-the-point-of-incompetent lawyers retained by a family of narcissists whose money-making strategies almost always involve the courts. I mean, Trump is…
Agreed. I had no idea how much the operation of the White House depends on the first lady, or her staff anyway, until I saw the reports of Melania not bothering to hire anyone. Apparently there are no White House tours anymore, because that’s something that is arranged through the First Lady’s office. I always assumed…
This is the thing that has struck me as funny about all of his insults - can he not understand that a lot of people are probably avoiding the show because of HIS involvement with it, not Schwarzenegger? But I’ve also considered the possibility his insults are actually just manufactured reality TV drama to use his…
That boycott is going to go about as well as when Trump supporters “boycotted” Hamilton. I absolutely believe Nordstrom when they say that Ivanka’s sales declined all last year, most significantly in the second half of the year. Which is essentially the same thing as saying that the longer Trump’s campaign went on,…
And Hilary is a very healthy 69 year old who spent her whole campaign dodging stories that she’s weak, sick, and dying. Because she’s a lady, and in many people’s irrational eyes, ladies be weak and sick. This despite the fact that women live longer than men. Meanwhile, all overweight, KFC-eating Trump had to do was…
I do love the stories now about how the Republicans are cowering in fear at ACA town halls, convinced people are going to try to hurt them.