
It’s also worth considering that a lot of the current Repub reps were elected during the Obama years, and the only political experience they have is being obstructionist and defensive, and they might not actually know how to do anything else, or how to adjust to being in a majority power position without looking

This is what happened in Canada with the last Conservative government. They had previously been opposition, and then a minority government (which means they didn’t have the votes to ram through whatever legislation they want and had to cooperate with the other parties). Once they had a majority, they were unable to

That’s not really how dissociative identity disorder works.

Did you have a German grandma named Rosa?

But just hiring someone isn’t winning. They aren’t interested in doing anything that doesn’t involve defeating, or at least upsetting, the Democrats. If it doesn’t feel like a battle, the Trump administration aren’t interested in doing it.

I’ve definitely seen this sort of erratic blathering and finger pointing from elderly people. I grew up with much older than usual grandparents (my grandmother had her kids in her 40s) so I spent a lot of time in nursing homes, extended and palliative care units in hospitals, and senior’s apartment complexes. His

He also claimed in his books to have graduated at the top of his class in Wharton, claims that have been subsequently debunked. He didn’t even graduate with honors, let alone top of his class.

Except he got that degree almost 50 years ago, and none of his subsequent business dealings, which mostly involved self-serving contract negotiations, required him to understand macroeconomics. I highly doubt he’s managed his own stock portfolio, or anything that high level. He’s just an angry guy who says yes or no

Thing is that there is a difference between busty-busty and gravity-defying-implant-busty. Clothes fit differently. I think her clothes are fitted for the latter category.

Somebody needs to explain the Streisand effect to Republicans. All of this repressive anti-democratic shit they pull gains them nothing. They have the numbers to confirm Sessions no matter what the Democrats say or do. They’ve already won, and yet can’t resist shooting themselves in the foot by acting like schoolyard

How does someone become like Kellyanne Conway? Is this the inevitable result of exposure to the peculiar brand of hateful, anti-intellectual American Christianity? Is it just some sort of personality disorder?

It’s a valid concern. I spent about eight years in my teens and early twenties being heavily involved in a whole range of social movements as an activist. And I burned out, hard. I found government lobbying, in particular, incredibly frustrating. I just worked and worked and worked with seemingly zero results. It’s

The worst thing about Devos is that she’s so unqualified and incompetent that she’s incapable of even recognizing just how unsuitable she is for the position she now occupies. She’s the living, breathing embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger effect, and a lot of children are going to suffer because the Republicans were,

Because Donald Trump is a horribly abusive person so people wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt that she could be an abused woman going along with his shit out of fear or some sort of Stockholm Syndrome. But, no... increasingly she’s looking like she and her husband are two peas in a pod.

The whole family seems to be missing the part of their brains that a) recognizes what is or is not appropriate behavior and b) is capable of experiencing shame.

That tweet was sent out a few minutes after an episode of Morning Joe where Scarborough was discussing the SNL skit, and also the Time Magazine “Great Manipulator” cover, and rhetorically posed the question “Is it true that Bannon is calling the shots?” So Trump obviously directly answered that he’s calling the shots.

If we’ve learned nothing else so far, we’ve definitely learned that Trump doesn’t have time for any of this “protocol” stuff the pussies in the state department keep droning on about. I can see him making some major gaffes on his UK trip just having no idea what he’s doing, and zero impulse control besides.

There are several problems with Devos that make her an important target for additional resistance, and none of them have anything to do with her being a woman.

If they so choose, rich women can outsource any stressful and exhausting tasks to other people and dedicate their life to looking good, including constant visits to estheticians, hairdressers, trainers and, occasionally surgeons. Magazines and the media lead women to believe that they should look like people whose

Princes and Princesses are sort of a dime a dozen in the Middle East - there are so many of them that it’s essentially meaningless. My friend’s mom lived in an apartment building in a town of 50,000 in the middle of nowhere in Canada and had a Saudi princess living on her floor. So many royal family members.