
I think she wants to try to create/maintain some sense of relevance in whatever the Republican Party is currently turning into (I don’t think that is clear to anyone at the moment), so she’s clumsily trying to play all sides at once. Definitely even Sarah Palin is smart enough to see that tying yourself too closely to

It’s gotta be self-deprecating. I mean, I think Sarah Palin is a moron, and I still think it was a joke when she first said it. The problem was more that a joke was the only response she could come up with to questions about her qualifications because she had zero foreign policy knowledge or experience. She’s probably

I still have a sad, scared little optimist inside me quietly pointing out that maybe shit isn’t so broken that Trump won’t eventually go to jail for all of the crazy shit he’s obviously doing. I mean, I know it’s naive to even consider the possibility, but who knows.

Just remembered - Temptation of Adam by Josh Ritter. That one is creeptastic.  

YESSSS. Thank you - that’s it. Of course it was 69 love songs, what was I thinking? I know for sure Let’s pretend we’re bunny rabbits was on there.

It’s that uniquely weird Sarah Palin combination of joke and serious at the same time. Like, she’s arguing that Democrats are sore losers and exaggerating the Russia angle, while simultaneously (but subtly) slagging on the Republicans by pointing out that there was a point in time where her lack of diplomatic

Honestly, I’d have to look on my old hard drive to remember everything, but off hand, I recall that Strange and Beautiful by Aqualung was on there, and there is some indie folky dude whose name I can’t remember who had an album with, like 65 bizarre, very short love songs and several of them made the cut. But now I

That had definitely occurred to me. Because I suspect if you hack the DNC and RNC emails, you’re going to discover a lot more sketchy shit in the emails of the party whose main electoral strategy is a variety of flavors of voter suppression.

It’s like the very many “love songs” that are, if you pay any attention at all, pretty transparently about insane stalkers whose feelings aren’t reciprocated at all. And then people play these songs at their weddings and whatnot. Every Breath You Take is the most obvious example, but there are SOOOO many. One year for

Trump, and his supporters, are the same sort of people who, because there are some gaps in the fossil record, claim that belief in evolution/natural selection is equally faith-based as belief in God. “It’s just a theory,” they claim, not understanding that, in science, the word “theory” does not mean “half-baked idea

Definitely felt like it.

I had a roommate for awhile who did the same on-repeat obsessive listening to one song at a time, but she was an asshole, so she would do it loudly in shared areas of the house. Most vivid memory is one day I was working at home trying to write, and she listened to the song Ho Hey by the Lumineers on repeat for over

It was particularly striking at one point when he referred to the appointment process as “making deals” in a tweet. Even before it starts, he’s abandoned any pretense that his administration isn’t a cesspool of corruption and self-dealing. “Making deals,” to choose secretary of state... jesus.

Yeah, Trump is one of the most striking examples of the Dunning-Kruger effect that I’ve ever seen.

The thing is Trump is not, and never has been, a good businessman, or someone who is good at making money through legitimate means. He’s a grifter and a conman. His first mark was his dad, who bailed him out countless times, and since his dad died he’s had to widen the field. And with this win, he’s widened it

But G W still, like, went to meetings and lived in the White House and was around and available, when he wasn’t clearing brush on his ranch. Part of the job of being pretend president is pretending to be president, and Trump doesn’t seem to be willing to do even that.

Will the Republicans actually confirm all of these clowns? Most of them don’t have a single qualification for the positions to which they’re being appointed. Like, just the most absurd, loose connections to the positions.

The Giuliani statement seems to be fairly openly saying that, in Trump’s already super-corrupt, crony capitalist administration, Giuliani can profit far more as private counsel with the president’s favor.

His wives show that he trades “up” to increasingly more passive and less intelligent women who don’t challenge him. Ivana was, by all accounts, a better business person than he is, Marla seems... not super bright, but smart enough to dump his ass when he started making weird comments about Tiffany, and Melania seems

His facial expressions really do make him look like an alien unsuccessfully trying to imitate human emotions. “Smile? That’s the thing where the eating hole is widened, right? I’m doing that. This is a smile.”