
And if this starts happening on the regular, would it be enough to penetrate that thick narcissist skull of his, forcing him to realize most people hate him? Like, I think even most of the people who voted for him hate him, they just voted for him to spite other people who they hate more.

I still think the “he’s a real, genuine guy” shit is just cover for the fact that they like that he can get away with being openly racist. I will never buy the crap about “economic anxiety” and “just wanting a change.” People who vote for guy who chooses IRL Pepe the Frog as his chief strategist are not going to vote

I thought it was slowly occurring to him that the president can’t just delegate all of his responsibilities to the VP, but he clearly hasn’t figured that out yet.

I wanna live in the fantasy land people who thought Bernie Sanders could have won a general election in the US are living in. Because it sounds like a nice place. I want to go there. That is not a world where Donald Trump could even come close to being elected president, even squeaking by on a technical Electoral

I think Tiffany knows where her bread is buttered, and will do what she needs to do (but no more) to maintain a place in that will. Because you know that Trump is the type to disown/disinherit people if they don’t bow and scrape enough. And then after he’s dead and she has her money I suspect people will hear from her

This is second hand, but it was audio-recorded and confirmed by other people and was generally legend in one of the call centers I worked at. I did hotel reservations when G W Bush was in office. One of his daughters called and demanded she be comped the presidential suite in a 5 star hotel in Manhattan for the

An older friend of mine once ran into Macho Man Randy Savage at a teeny tiny airport in the middle of nowhere in rural Canada. I have no idea why he was even there. He started hitting on her and following her around the airport and just would not leave her alone until she eventually tracked down an airport employee to

It’s only cognitive dissonance if you’re working from the assumption that these are people who value and support democracy. All of the voter suppression and gerrymandering are pretty strong evidence that they don’t. These are people who believe that they are the only legitimate leaders of the country, and that any

Agreed that people have always believed stupid things, but I still think the Internet is unprecedented it terms of giving these people a voice and ability to communicate their crazy ideas widely (democratization of the media = same thing as a lack of quality control, unfortunately), but also to connect with one

I hope she does write a book someday and it includes the details of what she did to get Suri out of there. I’ve heard rumors about how much sneaking around she had to do to slip away safely and, more importantly, with Suri in her care. Katie’s store itself sounds every bit as interesting as anything she learned about

Yeah, all respect to Prince as a musician but, in my experience, so much of this stuff built up as being part of his strange genius - socially awkward, terrible at romantic relationships, strange fashion sense, self-important, treats other people badly, bad with money, doesn’t think people should celebrate birthdays -

I don’t think Katie Holmes would risk that until Suri is safely into adulthood, with no risk of Tom starting some sort of smear war and seeking custody out of spite. But I hope that she does once Suri is of age.

Fair enough. Did not know that.

Yeah, as frustrating as these people are, they’re really sad, too. The real monsters are the people knowingly posting fake news online, knowing stupid people will believe it. Maddison definitely needs some consequences for his storm-the-pizza-place-with-an-assault-rifle tactics, but he’s also obviously incredibly

I feel like she probably has one written somewhere, ready to be released after her death, Mark Twain-style, so she doesn’t have to deal with the bullshit.

On the other hand, it’s hard to blame a 93 year old because no one in their right mind should be getting a 93 year old to make foreign policy arrangements. Not that we should lock away the elderly, but at a certain point people whose minds could quite possibly decline precipitously at any time, if they haven’t

And stores all of his leftover mashed potatoes in re-used margarine tubs.


The Value Villages around me will put out cigarette burned, moth-eaten, pilled and stained garbage, and they’ll still try to charge top dollar for it if it’s brand name. The Salvation Army and Bibles for Missions stores here won’t put out damaged trash, but I’ve lived in other places where the Salvation Army would try

Yeah, this year I feel like I just need to walk around carrying a sign that says [Citation Needed]. It’s just been an unrelenting avalanche of shit. Just tonight I had some idiot I went to school with post some bullshit about flu vaccines causing Alzheimers disease and I couldn’t even be bothered to correct it. If