
5150s are for mental illness. While that’s probably the case for many of the Trump folks, more than a few seem more in the situation where they’re one more conspiracy theory tweet away from their children obtaining a conservatorship or legal guardianship and having them moved to a senior home due to their dementia.

But he’s, like, one of those Great Depression-era old people who think string and foil is deeply valuable. $140K is a lot of string and foil.

Seriously, it’s starting to look like the entire Republican party has somehow morphed into a huge scam revolving around putting people with dementia in leadership positions and using them as patsies to do someone else’s evil bidding. Like Trump is the human equivalent of those golden retriever “don’t know what I’m

That you. Everything is horrible and we’re all going to die in a ball of flames but that made me laugh for a second.

It’s mainly because he doesn’t understand enough about politics (or anything, really) to be able to discern the difference between self-interested and informed advice. Or, really, because Trump seems to assume the person who praises him the most effusively is most correct, which automatically means that he gives the

This is exactly what I thought. What the fuck is a 93 year old going to do with $140K that makes it cool for one of his last earthly legacies to be destabilizing global geopolitics? Like, for sure when my grandma was 92 she was hustling everyday, trying to con people. What the actual fuck?

Kasich is fucking terrible, but he’s 1000X better than Trump, and 100X better than Pence, so - sigh - sure, I guess. Not likely to start a nuclear war in order to get building permits pushed through, which is apparently the bar for “acceptable president” now.

The purpose of the electoral college was to disenfranchise black voters, but then it’s justified as being another “check and balance” thing that could be used to prevent a tyrant from being elected. So while the latter justification is obviously always been bullshit, is it really such a problem if it was actually used

I suspect the random drug and alcohol tests are a good clue as to how he apparently became a shitty parent.

Yeah, didn’t this guy’s internet browsing history have multiple searches about how long it takes kids to die left in a hot car? This was not a tragic oversight.

Jezebel is written by more than one person.

Second paragraph hints at it and, yeah, I’ve heard people whine about every sort of producer group/marketing board arrangement.

Probably only about 5 of the approximately 84 people who ran for president for the Republicans actually had any intention of actually being the president, the rest did it to promote books, increase their profile, promote their “personal brand,” or angle for positions as political commentators on Fox News. That’s

We keep getting gifted with my parents’ neighbour’s maple syrup, which is always watery and burnt. I use it to make tofu bacon because, as far as my cooking goes, it’s the only context in which maple and smoke work together. And I just can’t waste maple syrup, no matter how bad it is.

This whole thing sounds like a crazier version of the terrible appointments made by Stephen Harper, Canada’s last conservative leader. He did the same sort of thing repeatedly appointing political cronies to leadership positions they were neither qualified nor suited for. The most horrible/hilarious of these was the

Oh yeah, I definitely think he’s mostly there to try to be the “black friend” in an unconvincing effort to symbolically cancel out all of the white supremacists. And that he’s in that position in particular because Trump has no idea what government departments do and black = “urban.”

Entrepreneurial spirit be damned - have you guys ever had BAD maple syrup? Like, low quality control maple syrup? No, you haven’t because these trade agencies exist. But as good as maple syrup can be, it can be very bad. Go to Canada and get some from a tiny producer who can’t be bothered to do things right or doesn’t

The only plus side to this is that, while Carson is a clueless moron, he seems to recognize that fact, and his lack of qualifications, and not be a ruthless ideologue like the other Trump appointees. He’s one of the only cases I can see where the existing bureaucracy might be strong enough to withstand the regressive

She was a pretty sad case, and seemingly there was nothing anyone could do to help her (her family tried). On the upside, she provided a pretty compelling object lesson in taking responsibility for your own actions. She absolutely could not admit fault for anything bad that happened in her life - it was always her

Re: all of the crazy re-tweeting - does the US Government not have a social media policy for employees and representatives?