
As a child of the 80s, I can using the name Dan Quayle as an insult to call people stupid. I also remember he provided my first hard glimpse into just how high stupid, rich white men can fail upward. Incredibly appropriate that he would be involved with the Trump administration, which is hell-bent on being such a

Awesome system. We had ours down until my sister got married, and now she wants my parents and my partner’s parents to reschedule their Christmases to be more convenient for her in-laws. Luckily my in-laws includes one person with a precariously balanced schedule of in-laws and step-parents and we’ve told her my

I’m actually sort of surprised the 23rd works for you. I know a bunch of people for whom Christmas family obligations span a four or five day period due to the need to fit in multiple families who don’t necessarily want to hang together. Like Mom and Stepdad one day, Dad and stepmom the next, Mom-in-law and

My department just sent out our holiday party invite one week in advance (strike one) for a potluck (strike two) at 12:30 pm (strike three) on a Wednesday (you’re soooo out). Who is going to go to that? No one, that’s who. What even is that? That’s just being forced to bring extra pack lunch for your coworkers on a

He keeps very strict control over the media - keeping them penned up - in part so that he can control the angles he’s filmed from. Think of how few side view shots you’ve ever seen of him. I’ve no doubt that’s accurate.

At the risk of revealing myself to be a heartless elite, as hard as I try I cannot wrap my head around the argument that people who voted for Trump are not dumb, they are just [desperate, angry, fill-in-the-blank]. I fail to see how believing transparent lies, and doing something completely and obviously illogical,

I spent ten years of my life doing activist work nearly full-time. I don’t blame people for not bothering because all of that time was essentially wasted. Every positive thing I fought for didn’t work because the people in power, supported by most of the population, chose the self-centered and short-sighted option. I

Both. Gas masks aren’t that expensive.

I’m reasonably sure his lack of filter is why he’s not getting classified briefings. There is the whole story of him not being interested, but I’m sure the idea that he shouldn’t bother with those briefings filtered down through a bunch of hints from every single person surrounding him that he “knows more than the

I support this plan.

I get it, but it wasn’t a foreign country, or even that far way. I live in a country where more than one language is spoken. They were on a road trip to a different language region. I get the pressures and whatnot, my point was more it was something I couldn’t imagine doing myself, whether or not it was the right

Seriously, being around those people day in and day out for two years made me feel so much better about being poor. I had pretty much nothing and was happier than almost all of them combined. Except the trophy wife swapping identical twins, who were probably the happiest/creepiest people I’ve ever seen.

Exactly. Quotes directly from the source are only helpful if a) they are true and b) they increase understanding. Trump lies constantly, generally has very little idea what is happening, and sometimes changes his position on issues multiple times in one day. Media are better off cutting him out of the equation

I worked at a marina for awhile helping rich people with their boats and I was astonished how over half of the couples there seemed to not only dislike, but HATE their spouses. It was just seething resentment city. But none of them wanted to split their assets and make do with less, therefore they chose misery over

The couple are retired, no pets, and their children are independent adults, so she didn’t need to rush back for anything like that. I think the situation was just too upsetting for her to deal with, frankly, which I can empathize with, but I just felt so bad for her husband, hurt and alone and unable to communicate

No problem. The early chapters are very good and technical, but there is definitely a risk for the book being super triggering in places. Overall I’ve found it helpful, but I’ve also noticed that, in reading it, I’m definitely a bit less grounded. So I’m glad for it overall, but read with caution, obviously.

She is adorable, and looks really happy, so I’m happy for her.

You would think so, but obviously you are the sort of person who would be there doting on your loved one when they need you, so you’d likely be shocked how many simply cannot be bothered to do so. Friends of my family had a serious car accident on vacation, which nearly killed the husband. He was in the hospital,

The last Prime Minister of Canada was an egotistical right wing moron, although obviously nowhere close to Donald Trump level (he also mainly used appointments to reward completely unqualified supporters, with predictable results). I noticed that after a year or two of his going on international trips and being an

I wondered when I saw how young Ivanka’s hair was bleached blonde. I assumed it was because her father usually prefers blondes. That is actually a horrible, but less horrible, explanation.