
Even if people were still getting their news from local affiliates, Hillary would have won in a landslide. A dangerous proportion of the population now get their news from fake sites run by white supremacists and Russian trolls. Anyone who paid any attention to even halfway accurate news sources knew how dangerous and

I don’t even know if it would be a bad thing for press outlets to be denied credentials. Trump is belligerent and evasive and openly hostile to the press. During the campaign, he tricked reporters in his press pool into airing elaborate commercials for his hotels, and he used them as props as his rallies, siccing his

Low tolerance for narcissists who think being cute and “quirky” makes it okay to be self-centered and oblivious? I tried, and I do not understand the appeal. The characters are all either oblivious assholes or the pushovers the oblivious assholes treat like garbage.

So it is.

I’ve heard that, but never understood how domestic violence as an explanation for castrating a guy. Like, killing an abuser - that I understand. It gets rid of the problem if you can’t see any better option. But castrating him? Unless it kills him, you’re likely to just make a violent guy even angrier once he heals.

My junior high sex-ed was delivered by a teacher who couldn’t even utter the word “sex” out loud. We learned that if you do that thing you will get pregnant, which means you will get fat, and then everyone will find you unattractive, and then you will get AIDS, and then you will die. Oddly, this was ineffective. My

The fact that the people who fight against abortion rights also tend to fight against access to contraception and comprehensive sex ed is a pretty good indication that the hysterical claims about “baby murder” are just rhetoric and their true motives are much more complicated. Because there are clear and obvious ways

Yeah, when I was younger my friends and I would intentionally do and say bizarre things for our own amusement. We started hanging out with a guy who fit right in and was a lot of fun until it eventually was revealed (through his arrest and subsequent hospitalization) that he wasn’t joking around, or in on the joke,

I’ve been super uncomfortable with the making-fun-of-Kanye thing and the declaring-Kanye-the-biggest-genius-of-all-time thng for quite a while now. Because it’s made me feel crazy that seemingly everyone thinks he’s just quirky or weird or has an outsized ego or whatever else when it has been blazingly obvious for

In 2000 the results were incredibly close - both popular and electoral college votes. It really was approaching too close to call. This election Hillary won the popular vote by a far larger margin than Gore had but Trump (is projected to have) won the electoral college by a larger margin than Bush did. But there seems

Yeah, when he starts advertising Taco Bowl Tuesday, know it’s a trap.

Cults are religions. Popularly the term is usually used to refer to small religious groups that have very secretive and authoritarian structures, and who isolate and manipulate their members, but it’s actually a general term that refers to any smaller, fringe religious group. But in order to maintain the level of

And that is why President Business will be kept away from reporters whenever possible: particularly when he is transcribed verbatim, it becomes clear that his brain simply does not work. And the people pulling his strings want to keep that from the public (who somehow haven’t realized it yet) for as long as possible.

The point is less that whether he has or has not actually attempted to keep his promises, but the fact that most of the promises he’s made are impossible to keep. So if I promise someone that I will make them immortal, whether or not I actually make a show of attempting to do so, it’s a bald-faced lie because it’s not

At some point are the Democrats going to stop kidding themselves that not contesting potentially dodgy election results is going to result in a smooth transition to power? Because all appearances suggest the transition is not going smoothly, and is not going to go smoothly regardless of what the Democrats do, so maybe

Need to keep reminding myself this is real life, and that isn’t a fake Masshole James tweet, but an actual thing the guy who will be president tweeted re: cabinet appointments. Also the fact that he keeps referring to choosing high level positions in his administration as “making deals,” which doesn’t make them all

I read some article somewhere that also sought to explain the Christie thing with insider reports that on the Apprentice he would manipulate things to keep a fat buffoon in the running as long as possible because everyone loves a funny fat guy to keep them entertained, but he’d make sure they never won. So, you know,

I mean, that idea would work if he wasn’t ACTUALLY appointing people like Bannon and Sessions. It’s not like he’s psyching us out, he actually is appointing terrifying people, and then some not-good choices that look good by comparison because they are not openly white supremacist.

It is a grand measure of what a theocratic evildoer Cruz is that, regardless of how pathetic he is, and how much shit he suffers, I really can’t feel sorry for him.

Haha - thank you for the hugs. Always accepted.