
Do you want to sit on a dark boat deck on a hot summer day?

Also when is Bob Wakesburg going to address the fact that his so called Horseman , was played by a HUMAN!

And this coming from an anti-tariff, anti-economic nationalism (whatever the hell that term means) conserva-tarian who’s tired of the GOP being captured by trade protectionists.

I’ll take a no door.

None of this is race related. It’s all made up by soft people with no spine, a victim complex (Karens), and are attention seeking. Call it husband/ wife. Who cares? No one with working brains. 

Good luck finding the BXD20 (civilian version) but the BXD10's are already here.

Either half of that would have made sense in the context, but combined... not so much.

Was coming down to the comments to say the same thing. I could get more detail from the Lotus website. Doesn’t seem like Rory actually drove the thing.

Nothing you need, nothing you don’t.

A few more pics would have been nice,especially of the interior. A pic or two of the engine compartment would have been nice too.

Yeah, that was weird. I get that the reviewer couldn’t wring out something like this on public roads very well. But something more than “totally fine as a daily driver” would have been nice. And then there’s useful mechanical tidbits like get the manual if you want the Torsen diff.

This car deserves a sale. But there are many other competent sportscars for similar or lower prices, many from mass manufacturers, which are less rough around the edges.

But since people start to wake up about the evils of capitalism,

I like Icon stuff, but Jonathan Ward definitely gets high on his own farts. 

I absolutely can and absolutely will complain about 18 mpg. That is truly unacceptable.

oh it was definitely due for an update. The 3D look is out of date.

I hate it.  But I’ll get used to it.  In fact, it’s sort of an improvement.  Actually I prefer it.  The next one after this will be terrible, surely.

Yeah, now some 8 year-old has a vintage Porsche. 

Great, maybe you can make a youtube video the next time you do it to enlighten us millennials and non-experts.