
I’ll believe it when I see it. As of now, Fisker has no established supply chain, no manufacturing facility, and no dealer network. Just more vaporware from the KING of vaporware. It’s alot harder to build an automotive startup then just renting office space in a WeWork


What are you talking about? Most older Toyota trucks have brand new frames under them now.....

More like need a new hip 

Counter counterpoint: You’re dead wrong. 

Did you have him fill out one of these?

I’d have more sympathy for this type of situation if I didn’t know that some drivers “farm cancellations” - which is they purposely take a long time to get to you in order to try to get you to cancel. I’ve had other situations where drivers call me to ask where I’m going and then a min later they cancel my ride. So,

No he isn’t - the walk signal is flashing. In NYC, the walk time is way shorter than in most other cities.

This is a very sad story. This lawsuit will be thrown out.


+1 for Letterkenny gif, -1 for the opinion 


I’ve had it about up to here with the offside replays.

Aero engineer here. The simple answer is power density and weight of batteries. Keep in mind that you have to generate enough lift to carry them, in addition to the plane, cargo, and passengers. Given a relatively fixed speed, that means somehow dramatically increasing the coefficient of lift. You can do it for

There’s no way I’d bake bread without weighing everything. Even a 10% hydration difference can radically affect the final bread. 

Land don’t vote !

Stay to the right and shut the fuck up. It’s not a fucking amusement park ride. Some of us have trains to catch and places to be.

Hey, if there’s one thing you can’t criticize ol Donny for, it’s leading with his head. 

Don’t shame “snitching”. Exposing criminals is in the interest of society as a whole, and we want more people to come forward, not less. Yes, we’re talking about a garbage person, but the information he provides is valuable. And there is nothing valuable, or even moral, in remaining loyal to a criminal gang. So, don't