
I’m in the midst of trying to figure out Apple watches for the holidays, and plan on buying them for myself and my elderly mother. Your articles on the subject have been extremely helpful. I absolutely would have bought two Series 3s if you weren’t here dispensing smart watch wisdom. Now I realize I would be fine with

This is the thing I never got with a lot of friends... Their garage is literally FULL of shit and boxes and they park their cars outside...

No room in the garage for a vehicle.

Yup you nailed it. The biggest deciding factor will either be price, appearance, or people who buy too heavily into the brochure and just want imaginary bragging rights.

Polestar: “Tesla has the lowest score!”

And a massive increase in the number of rollover prone tall vehicles. You would have to be doing something pretty seriously stupid to roll my ‘74 Spitfire (but you are nearly guaranteed to die if it happens). Not so much a modern tall CUV/SUV (but you will probably be fine). It’s astounding how many simple

At 27%, deaths due to rollovers in 1978 = 13,589 deaths
At 29%, deaths due to rollovers in 2018 = 10,602 deaths.

So, there were 3,000 fewer deaths, in a time when there are over twice as many miles driven per year (1.5T per year in 1978 vs 3.2T per year in 2018).  

And, assuming the 70% figure holds true for 2018, that

Short answer: No. Long answer: “Sufficient” for what?

Triggered ass loser doesn’t understand that groups can change there beliefs over time. Even your twat waffle republicans used to be good, now look at you? Scum fuckers, a majority of them anyway.

No amount of mockingly saying “orange man bad” will make him not. 

you get extra points for saying them in order. Only a very stable genius can do that.

Yes, yes he is.

I’m not enamored with the Democrats, but I appreciate that they haven’t taken up mass suicide as part of their platform.

It wouldn’t be a political post without some ignorant clown pretending both sides are the same.

It’s a goddamned live-action reenactment of Krusty’s Komedy Klassic:

And this is where local dems need to step up. “You asked that the Woodward Cruise be canceled this year because of the pandemic. The Republican Party said FUCK YOU and scheduled a replacement cruise.”

Hopefully the “fuck you, Im infecting you anyway” mentality of the ‘Rona virus will strike these old feeble smooth brained idiots so they can’t vote in November.

I feel like they really missed their chance with the naming. It could’ve been “MAGA Klassic Kar Kruise” to really round it out and embrace the culture.

for me, the smh part is these people most likely all sneered at Democrats thinking Obama was the “messiah.” All the while they spend money buying Trump-branded shit, wearing MAGA hats, waving Trump flags, going to Trump rallies, etc. I guess in their minds that isn’t “worship.” If it has at least one tiny upside,