
old joke is old.  

You sound like a motorcyclist, not a pirate cosplay enthusiast.

My roommates said they’d get me rims for Christmas. And a CB radio, so I can talk to other car beds.

Need people room, sit them on the handy bench on the back.

Author writes article complaining about the way the new Bronco’s door jambs look with the doors removed. Article is published without any pictures of what the new Bronco’s door jambs look with the doors removed...

How is this an indictment of capitalism?  


Cool story, you smug nerd

I think you can see this now with certain things.  Model 3 / Y does not have a top down view camera available, for parking.  The autopilot cameras do not have good coverage for it.  For 3/Y they provide instead a cool ultrasound “map” of your surroundings, but the top down view would be better.  I think people will

I didn’t realize this, but apparently battery usage snobs exist now.

I disagree. People with the funds to spend 70-150k on a vehicle are acutely aware of the costs. A friend of mine has owned vehicles in the 400-500k range and even he is extremely aware of cost, depreciation, maintenance, etc.

I don’t think Ashley (though she’s certainly not alone among Jez writers) understands how actual politics works, like with strategy and stuff. Or she does but she’s morally opposed to it or something. As if being morally opposed to something means it suddenly stops being real.

This is for a Senate seat in Kentucky, Ashley - Not in New York or California...Jesus. Your sentence sums it up perfectly: “She supports the Affordable Care Act and wants to get McConnell out of Congress, what more can we ask for?

Or John's,  maybe he forgot to spell his own name.

Thank you for writing this article, came here for this exact info.

Was it owned by Jon Voight? #Seinfeld

Rule #1: Never post a video when an article will suffice. Most people don’t have the time (or an appropriate setting) to watch a video, but all of us have 60 seconds to read a condensed list of tips.

The 2020 VW Harlequin Golf.