Ours Blanc

Wait...I thought we were done with slideshows in 2025??

Isn’t the real question, ‘who was running Tesla even before Musk decided to play politician?’

As God as my witness, I thought drones could fly

Making cool stuff usable for different bodies is pretty cool too

I love it. This is what being rich is supposed to be for.

Chuck also has a custom Lucid. It’s pretty close to stock -- except the GPS doesn’t go to Galveston.

Honestly? Cameras at every stop light. If you blow through a red light, you’re getting an automatic ticket. If this was put into place (and assuming there’d be systems in place to make the appeals process difficult), people would stop. doing. this.

This is a judgement of my wrong opinion, I will not put any effort into my response.

Base model zero option economy cars should have manual transmissions, Civics, Mirages, Sentras, Elantras etc. Pretty much all of these offer manual transmissions in their previous generations or in their current performance models so they have the tooling. I’m really just tired of CVTs and think more people having to

In three years, Toyotadyne will become the largest supplier of basketball computer systems. All power forwards are upgraded with Basketdyne computers, becoming fully unmanned. Afterwards, they dribble with a perfect operational record. The Toyotanet Funding Bill is passed. The system goes online August 4th, 1997.

Yes, I am a few years out of college. I just graduated recently in 2009.

Which of my second hand cars and motorcycles would you like to know more about?

Except Ford and GM parts are cheap.

To save you the slideshow, here are the 10 year totals.

Oh, we’ll going to pay as soon as he finds his Illidum Q-36 Space Modulator

Also... What the h*ck else would it look like?

Looks a lot more like the X-37B than the space shuttle to me. X-37B is also unmanned.

I own a 2021 Passport and drove an Acadia for 10 days. The Passport is way better! The Acadia’s shifter in the dash is horrible. You get use to the Passport setup as it’s where a shifter would be.

I was thinking this is a very attractive car until you pointed that out.

Yea. That's why (when I had to do with people wearing helmets) I was being a nag about chin-straps. Otherwise your hard-hat (or helmet) is just decoration.

Maybe the right front tire exploded on the box truck?