
But it is necessary for the damage to be shown.

Example. I do a lot of iRacing. On ovals Aero is a big deal. If a car has a wrinkled fender they will be able to keep pace in a draft but will kill your speed if you let them shuffle up to the head of a pack. The only way to know that driver is off is by looking at their

Because crashes do happen in racing and it is lazy if a SIM doesn’t accurately represent that damage. Especially if the IRL implications of the damage would impact handling and aero.

Agree. I was really looking forward to getting one, but made by BMW is a deal breaker.


Apex seals.

so maybe do what Alyssa Milano did and buy a VW electric car and ignore VW’s roots (hint:  the guy had a small mustache).  

Fine, I’ll be that guy:

Any niche, limited supply, performance-oriented, desirable/rare or non-appliance vehicle available only through a dealership.

Correct.  It’s a physics thing.  Good bushings and a steering stabilizer keep it at bay but once one of those things starts to not be in literal perfect condition it comes back.  Nature of the beast with a solid front axle.

It’s a resonance or feedback loop between the steering and the suspension. If the axle geometry causes a steering angle change when the axle hits a bump (bump steer), you can get into a scenario where the steering angle change causes the suspension to flex, which causes another steering angle change, etc.

Just off the top of my head

I wonder how many solid front axle vehicles the plaintiffs have driven, because death wobble isn’t just a jeep thing.

Audi has been consistently unreliable for a long, long time.

My car! 2021 Audi A4. It’s only been back to the dealership like 37 times!!

Agreed. Instead of moaning about ruin pom, maybe Duggan should embrace it and turn it into the Motor City Ruins national monument.

I worked there from 1999-2002 and it was an amusingly-disjointed building to work in. The route from Point A to Point B often took you through Points C, D, E, F, and G.

This facility was most recently used by DaimlerChrysler as JTE (Jeep Truck Engineering). Kind of cool that Jeeps were engineered there for a LONG time, under both AMC and Chrysler (then DaimlerChrysler). They did a pretty reasonable job maintaining the facility, and happily acknowledging its history. At the time, CTC

In some parts of the world, ruin porn is a big part of the local economy. People will pay good money to see a nice ruin.

Duggan can fuck off. So many interesting and beautiful old buildings going to waste in the city. History gone and useful buildings bulldozed.

I think we should all chip in and buy this property for David Tracy to store his Jeep collection and start a museum.