
Those buttons are shared with other FCA products but my understanding is Ferrari does/did the same thing with switchgear. At least when they were officially under the FCA umbrella.

The car was already good in 1992, and became great with the ‘96 SR II and mechanical update. The 2003 ZB I third generation (albeit in my mind it’s always the second, since the SR II was essentially a refresh) catapulted it into the stratosphere with the gigantic engine that could push 800HP with stock internals and

When you really look at a Vipers interior (pic a year, nearly any year) there hideous

I dispise the mono beam wipers, they don’t conform well to highly curved glass that was popular in all of my 90s cars. They also take more spring pressure from the wiper arm so they miss spots in the middle of the windshield. I much prefer the whipple tree type arms, they work great.  Though expensive, I've found the

It’s okay. We all have opinions that are objectively wrong.

The last gen viper was absolutely gorgeous.


Eye of the beholder and all, and I might be just a bit biased, but there’s no way that thing is better looking than this:

Someone signed a big Nike deal a year ago.

The world is falling apart and people are ordering uber expensive, one-off, rebuilds of their cocks that cost more than PPE for several major cities.

Prettier than a normal 812? Yep. Prettier than a Viper? I’m not sure. Prettier than some of the middle-generation Vipers, sure. Prettier than the latter day super-aggro Vipers? I can see it.

Aero blades lift off my windshield of my jeep and stealth.

My experience is that the mono-blades suck, and the tips of the blades are constantly not making contact and thus not wiping the whole arc. I’ve stopped buying them and went back to the older frame style.

Yep, definitely the pro tip. Whenever I am ordering parts from Rock Auto I always think to myself, “Do I need wiper blades for any of my cars?” because you can get beam blades for literally 1/4 the price of my local parts store and you are already paying shipping on your other parts, so just tack them on.

Because “Big Wiper Blade” doesn’t want you to know!

This is how I used to change my wiper blades, then one time when I needed change them again I went to the auto parts store but couldn’t find just the rubber strip they only sold the whole wiper arm.

Because you are not a certified Cheap Bastard™

There’s just one thing that keeps bothering me:

I have this horrible feeling you’re going to get through the TUV to be told that, yes, while your vehicle has passed the “checklist” portion of the test, but unfortunately the inspector assigned to your vehicle has been following your repair blog and there’s no way he can - in good conscience - let this vehicle on the

this means you’re succeeding at life! The older you get everything just gets more complicated. like you start off with a partner and then you end up married with kids and you don’t know how that happened...But the stories you’ll have to tell your kids, it’s so worth it to go through all this crap now