I love this. I've currently got no muffler on my 4.0 Jeep XJ, and it sounds incredible. Other members of the public don't look so pleased, however.
I love this. I've currently got no muffler on my 4.0 Jeep XJ, and it sounds incredible. Other members of the public don't look so pleased, however.
Okay, the usage of the word "believe" was my attempt at being diplomatic. I've seen no evidence that a Range Rover is superior off-road.
I'm sorry, but I really don't believe that a Range Rover is more capable off-road. It might do what it does with less effort, but an XJ will go everywhere a Range Rover can.
I could be wrong, but I thought that this hole was in a concealed location? If so, surely just a little touch up would do, as Evan McM. said.
That is where common sense should apply...
Ouch, but she was lucky. Back at school when I was about 11, the mother of someone in my class was killed by the tire from a smaller truck then that, when it hit her as she was walking home from the school.
This comment is brilliant.
Yes, but your comment was "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"
So how exactly would you go about simply not responding to his question?
Haha, I have one of those on my Jeep XJ. Most people in the UK don't seem used to push-button exterior door handles, so I always observe new passengers getting in and have slightly more respect for them if they pass.
But I'm pretty sure this was never supposed to be as fast as a Venom; the idea is that it's fast for what it is, and that is a big, practical, people carrying vehicle.
Hmmm, as ever with most off-road tests, I'm very dubious as to how actually difficult that was. The moment I see a hill climb that has been tilted to make it look far steeper then I feel that the review loses all credibility.
In the UK, I'd say a Land Rover Defender - the newer the worse.
XJs are awesome cars. I've just posted mine...
Yup, I've got one of those too! CD changer under the back seat, cassette in the head unit!
This is a step in the right direction.