
The biggest obstacle to the console-free future in the US remains the same now as it did 10 years ago, which is that the internet infrastructure is complete shit. Considering there do not appear to be any particularly large changes coming in the next 10-20 years, we’re going to be in the exact same place we are now,


Is it really that petty to think that someone might not play a console because their controllers keep breaking?

This is an opinionated blog post titled “Now That’s How You Do A Damn Game Reveal.” Bias is expected and understandable. The post also never claims that the State of Play was bad, merely that the author didn’t enjoy it. This is perfectly fine in an opinionated blog post.

I had these thoughts too. I so desperately want Legends to be the new mainline games but considering that they’re extremely single-player-focused, I doubt it. I don’t see Pokemon giving up their giant tournament events in favor of innovative gameplay. So if they HAVE to do that, I hope and see this being developed

and if you keep reading you’ll see:

I don’t know man, I can’t think of anyone in the comments anywhere that thought that was a good showing. The Direct even got better feedback from people.

I dunno... it’s not the impression I’m having so far from people?
Like a lot of “never in my wildest dreams was that on my bingo card” but all said in a positive fashion.

Like this went out of it’s way to show the open-world and way things change(being able to actually sneak to a pokemon and capture them before even

Nothing wrong with this, just so long as your Pokemon don’t break after five uses.

I dig how colorful it is, but something about it looks... off? Like, the effects are beautiful, but the models have an almost budget feeling to them. Sort of generically cartoony, perhaps.

For me I was deep in residency and just didn't need that in my life but since completing residency I have helped back some indie games by POC developers and those actively trying to make gaming a better place.  Yes the racist morons will always be there but we are gradually making them feel less and less safe to spew

It would be great if people could arrange to play only with like minded/polite/friendly/whatever sorts. Used to be in the days of player-run servers you could establish such a community, but unfortunately, the drive from gaming companies seems to be towards this model of forced game-wide community on company-run

As a straight passing gay (I know it’s not the same so forgive me for stepping in) I have been driven out if a lot of space in the virtual and real world in gaming and it wasn’t them making me leave. It’s not always worth the toll it takes on my health to carve my space. I can’t imagine the day to day stress

Seems to me like there is a community of individuals who could be playing games together instead of letting racist randos ruin their experience. The sad reality is just that assholes are loud. Not saying it’s not disproportionate, but even being a white guy isn’t a silver bullet for online harassment in games. Best

Every year, I see more of my female students and students of color proudly describing themselves as gamers, and I must believe that critical, intelligent, emotional editorials like yours would help them feel more included and represented in an industry that often recoils against criticism, intelligence, and emotion.

As a fellow black man, i would never let racism stop me from playing a game i love. I won’t let it defeat me. I play overwatch a lot. But it’s quick play mostly. And its without a mic because people are toxic. But I’ve been avoiding the mic since the last time I played console games competitively. That would be

And you’re saying THAT’S the reason why white pre-teens/teenagers are racist on online games?... Nope, try again.

That recurring bite, sting and burn of racism is why I quit playing games like COD and Overwatch unfortunately. My “friends?” couldn’t understand why I would quit two games that I honestly excelled at over people being stupid and racist but I tried to explain to them that the mental toil of constantly seeing and