
I’m hoping with time and 200 more pokemon added, angry fans and the outlets covering them can take a closer look and see that Decit was never the real issue with these games. The formula that hasn't been changed in over 20 years has gotten stale. We see franchises like Zelda and mario evolving and pokemon just gets

Are people here purposefully misinterpreting what the Dexit crowd were mad about? It wasn’t just that not all of the Pokemon were being added. It was that The Pokemon Company repeatedly lied about WHY they couldn’t add the Pokemon. They said it would be hard to balance, but now balancing isn’t a factor when it comes

I like this show a lot but you really don't want to think too hard about the timeline here. Among other things Eric's mother has already moved on from her husband's disappearance and is publicly living with his former partner in about two weeks time and Abby has gone from surly teen who wants a new car to eco bomber

This isn’t necessarily a bad episode, and I may be seen as a “hater”, but did this really need to be placed in the middle of the climax? I really had to put my annoyance at that to the side to try to understand why the reviewer gave this an A-. Same thing goes for a lot of the side episodes in the series, I’ve usually

Of Course, they are; Steven Universe has been in dire need of fat trimming for years. An episode like this is just there to soak up the excess foreshadowing the writes insist of cramming into every other random moment of the show. Instead of building the story to fit the bomb format that fans ingest the story.

UGH! A- seems a bit generous because much like Watermelon Steven, I found myself impatient and annoyed that I had to put up with this nonsense.

One of the weaker recent episodes IMO, but at least the song at the end was nice. “Battle of Heart and Mind” can’t come any sooner!

I mean... maybe just have a hard look at your life choices...?



I was six or seven when the NES first dropped, and I remember being absolutely floored by the “Justin Bailey” code for Metroid, and even moreso by the Konami Code (which I maintain ended in “SELECT, START,” rather than just “START,” even if empirical evidence to the contrary exists; my aging memory is be

Hey look, someone civil on the comments!

You make many good points, but I am going to disagree on a few. For one thing, I know Blizzard usually gets along with their audience, but I wouldn’t call them overly fan-friendly. Their always-online DRM really bothers me. I don’t mind it for WoW or Overwatch because an MMO and a multiplayer only game need that.

Having a plan, is not KNOWING something is going to happen as a fact, it’s having a plan. Do you play chess? Multiple moves can be made and you plan for all the moves, that doesn’t mean I know you’re going to make the move with your bishop. Your logic here isn’t sound.

Or they were hoping to give something good to the community with hopes they wouldn’t be assholes about it. But reading these comments isn’t restoring my faith in the playerbase. I love how people like to deflect blame. “of course we’re all assholes what did you expect it’s your fault we are!” is all im hearing.

I’m on the opposite end as you are. Blizzard puts a lot of work into Overwatch that they do not charge any additional money to partake in. Other developers could, and do, charge for those updates. The loot boxes are the way they sustain this practice, and yet they still make it so that everyone can get those for free

Yes, it’s so sleazy of them to release new maps and heroes for free by getting their income through optional cosmetic purchases.

Main reason I side with blizzard/overwatch is because they give for free what other companies/games charge for that are gameplay related (maps and characters plus a free option to obtain cosmetics). I don’t see a problem with post release monetization of non-gameplay items (plus a free option to get them) when they

This analysis is boneheaded. All Kaplan’s response demonstrates is that they want players to be rewarded for actual good-faith play. There are any number of reasons why they’d care about these AFK custom games that have nothing to do with money from loot boxes. For starters, I can’t imagine they want these lobbies

Because many people won’t bother with them if they don’t give you XP, and Blizzard wants their new mode to be popular.

Because you’re still playing the game, and it makes you feel like you aren’t missing out on XP. If people aren’t abusing the system, what’s the negative?

Because not everyone wants to play against try hards all the time and just enjoy playing with friends and still being able to earn customization options.