
It’s not about anecdotal “oh my internet is bad so therefore all of America’s is bad!” No. There’s legitimate data to back up the claim. I have pretty good internet by American standards, but the American internet infrastructure is objectively worse than other developing companies because cable and phone corporations

I had these thoughts too. I so desperately want Legends to be the new mainline games but considering that they’re extremely single-player-focused, I doubt it. I don’t see Pokemon giving up their giant tournament events in favor of innovative gameplay. So if they HAVE to do that, I hope and see this being developed

Very fair criticism, but me personally, I love that dark twist at the end. When the game ended, I remember just watching the credits roll while enjoying the cognitive dissonance from my stunned reaction to the dark twist and the fun poppy “It’s Bugsnax” playing. And when the thing happened at the end after the

I really appreciate you saying that and your perspective on the matter.

Well, it sounds like you have more of it in you than some of us. For me, it sucks that I gave up Overwatch, but it’s just not a fight I’m willing to engage in. Tried doing quickplay for a while without a mic but it’s just emotionally exhausting for me. I’ll go to rallies, and get riled up over systematic injustices,


And you’re saying THAT’S the reason why white pre-teens/teenagers are racist on online games?... Nope, try again.

What bums me out about this is 1. Your story, 2. The fact that this is the exact reason that, as a black man, I quit playing Overwatch and games that require communication with other players, 3. The fact that so many of the comments are people who experienced the exact same thing, 4. The fact that so many of us have

I’ve always thought Dolly Parton was a decent human being, and speaking out like this and removing the “Dixie” from her “Stampede” is a step forward. But that still doesn’t change the fact that she profits from a Civil War re-enactment theater dinner where you root for either the North or the South like it’s just

I’m hoping with time and 200 more pokemon added, angry fans and the outlets covering them can take a closer look and see that Decit was never the real issue with these games. The formula that hasn't been changed in over 20 years has gotten stale. We see franchises like Zelda and mario evolving and pokemon just gets

*POSSIBLE MILD SPOILER!* She’s a zombie and there was an explosion that knocked her arm clear out its socket. That’s also why the husband looks all disoriented and crazy. Lots of grossout stuff in this show but it’s pretty great

This isn’t necessarily a bad episode, and I may be seen as a “hater”, but did this really need to be placed in the middle of the climax? I really had to put my annoyance at that to the side to try to understand why the reviewer gave this an A-. Same thing goes for a lot of the side episodes in the series, I’ve usually

(Apologies for any grammar and/or brevity errors) Because you have had the decency to form a cohesive intelligent argument, I would like to do the same. I respect your opinion, but I also disagree... To an extent. I see both sides of the argument.

Ok, let me get this straight, you, and other people like you, are upset because Blizzard won’t allow cheating/stealing? Because that’s what this is. Blizzard made a game in which they consistently listen to their fanbase and seem as though they plan to indefinitely update it FOR FREE. No paid expansions (for now) or

It won’t let me edit, so... *So I’m going to assume that people who are upset at blizzard over this decision do not play the game

sso I’m going to assume that people who are upset at blizzard over this decision I do not play the game (Which, I find it amazing that people get emotional over decisions for games that they don’t play), rarely /never ran into this glitch, or exploited the cheat themselves. I ran into people using this exploit in