
“(T)he people making the laws simply don’t think.”

It’s a serious issue. My somewhat informed opinion (after working with some law makers) is that the people making the laws simply don’t think about the need to evaluate the performance of said laws, or even realize that methodologies exist to asses their effectiveness. It also costs time (aka: money) and money to do

lol, can’t be heard from more than 75ft away? Who’s hearing? Are we assuming “standard human ears” (so 1db over background), or are we able to use those giant field mic’s from a football game? What if it’s a particular quiet and still day? On a calm winter night I could easily hear a squirrel walking from 75 feet

Same here but after reading through all this, it makes me grateful my garage is on the backside of my house where it’s completely obscured from street view. I don’t even live in a HOA and I don’t know what my town’s rules are in regards to stuff like this, but this neighborhood is nice enough where I’m sure some

Gotta ban those high capacity torque wrenches and fully semi auto jack stands

Jason, this is actually what I do for a living... well, no, not repair cars in illegal driveway repair shops in Sacramento county (or elsewhere for that matter)....

Yup yup! And the crazy doesn’t just stop with what you do on your own property. Some municipalities will have overly specific traffic ordinances on the books with stupidly harsh punishments.

I've got two welders, which will be pried out of my cold dead hands. Presumably after I have inadvertently asphyxiated and electrocuted myself. And my hands might not be cold, smoldering is an option. The prying, that's compulsory. 

Well, they only tell you where you can and can’t put your dick and what you can and can’t put into your body, but other than that, and anything else they can come up with because it’s in the Bible, they are totally not controlling anyone.

Meanwhile in conservative states:

Here we see a libertarian in the making...

“1. Using tools not normally found in a residence;”

Yeah, tell me how conservatives don’t try to control people. Really, I need a laugh today.

Welcome to the liberal communist state of California. Hopefully shit like this makes you think about who your voting for. 

First, it was the HOAs, and I didn’t care because I didn’t live in an HOA....

Keanu has starred in The Matrix, Johnny Mnemonic and A Scanner Darkly, so I’m gonna guess he’s run into the term ‘cyberpunk’ before :D

dude played johnny mnemonic. he has history with cyberpunk. but he'll still hype it keanu style.

About ten minutes ago: I’m done with hype culture, these crowds will cheer about anything. Nothing’s exciting about E3 these days.

All MPG figures in this post are in US gallons.