
Surprised to hear the factory rims are 14" as I thought they were 15s. His ‘77 must have the fiberglass body then?

You... you do know the reddish stancemobile isn’t a Subaru, right?

The finished product is bad? What’s bad about a widebody GC8?

Except that online single player sucks. I want to be able to play my games even when the internet is out. I want to play my games even if I live in a place with slow internet. I want to be able to play my games even if a whole lot of people decided to play it at the same time as me. This was my (and just about

Exactly.  Comcast still has limits on data.  This will just end up costing me a fee each month from my ISP on top of whatever Google charges for the service.

I did try out Project Stream. Played AC:O on it for around 20 hours. I have a 250 Mbps connection at my home and was hard wired. Still not nearly the experience of what I got once Ubisoft gave everyone who participated a copy of AC:O. Of all the issues I had, the graininess/fuzziness of the image was the largest

People are pessimistic for good reason and Google’s history gives them all the reasons to be, to say nothing of the large list of other issues that also are worth keeping in mind.

I get the faintest feeling that their road map to success for this was firmly rooted in Fortnite-esque games. SUPER massive appeal, F2P, competitive yet loose enough to downplay latency issues.

I did try Project Stream, and it was, frankly, a mess. And that was on a decent, hard-wired internet connection. I can’t even imagine how bad it would be over the air on a cell network.

Which is funny because widespread Google fiber connections would be helpful in this new endeavor.

Yes, the implication is that it’s hardware independent*.

Yeah, but this is Google, who has become infamous for taking steps in a new direction, promising the moon and then quietly killing said project when they don’t win right away.

As with all Streaming platforms, how do they work when you have piss poor internet? Poorly or not at all. There is no other alternative than, Poorly or not at all.

So online required 24/7, no lending games, no used games, basically the original Xbox One Microsoft wanted to launch which then got shit on by everyone. Now the question is, will consumers shit on this, or eat it up even though they were against it years ago?

Im a little confused. They say we don’t need a pc or console to play games on it. So will it be an app smartphones and smart TVs can download? I mean, it has to run on some type of hardware right? It’s just using streaming instead of expensive hardware?

Anytime.. Anywhere... so long as you have a connection, that’s good enough, and you didn’t run out of data, and the service is also up and running, and it never closes down, or the content is never removed...


A new battleground for game accesibility has begun. It feels glorious to be able to have access to potentially any game at any time.

Yup.  Given the lifespan and commitment of and to Google Fiber, I’m not holding my breath for this to be any different.

I give it two years of being basically underused and forgotten before they shut it down unceremoniously, as is the Google way.