
Read the next sentence though:

“Sampson told Jalopnik that he plans buy it back and rebuild it however he can.”

Agreed. I have all of the respect in the world for what he did and it is so SO far beyond my abilities (and time, and finances, and garage space) to execute that I can’t really give him crap for it. I understand the stance scene and used to run with guys who had bagged cars like this. They’re great guys and just like

Sadly, this car’s story isn’t all added horsepower and rainbows. The S4 Avant was totaled by his insurance company after a crash in December.

Such a great idea ruined by this “stance” trend.

As I said to the real estate agent that said lichen on the shingles was a good thing, “when you make stuff up, you lose credibility.”

I think it’s because, in this case the offending advert was also part of a larger, already much maligned campaign. Think of it like a combo multiplier in a videogame. People massaging stats and facts in adverts is an x2 multiplier, but this ad campaign’s hate combo has gone on for months (or has it been years

We have not altered our marketing campaigns because of any concerns with the accuracy of our ad content.

I saw the ad for the first time this weekend.  I turned to my wife and said “I guarantee you this is based on some stupid metric no one cares about”  Well, there you go.

Chevrolet falling by the wayside when challenged by the Japanese...

I knew the source GM was using was BS as soon as I read that it was a survey conducted by Ipsos.

Thanks for doing the legwork on this dumb commercial! I knew it had to be some sort of bullshit but I ain’t about to do anything more than shout at the TV when it comes on. 

But there’s a third option. The de-badge. Which is clearly better.

You can feel good about it because good things are good and bad things are, in fact, Bad

Not really sure how I feel about this. It’s the opposite of the people who stick AMG and M badges on their C300/328i, but if you really don’t care if people know that your car is a sports model, how is this at ALL better than just the full de-badge treatment. De-badging looks great, makes the car look cleaner, and

Since I cannot read kanji, is it safe to assume that this prohibition on modding primarily revolves around modifying software/hardware for the purpose of resale, or does it extend to applying mods to software for the modder’s personal use (such as popping a new night sky into Skyrim)?

One of those things seems

Except the user agreement with facebook doesn’t literally say that and this guy’s lease literally says to keep his car in good condition, which he signed.

Its a thing now for complexes and neighborhoods (aka bitch ass HOA’s) to have stupid shit in their rules. From trash cans not being out so far to stuff like this. On one hand I get it. Who wants to drive through and see cars sitting on bricks, spiderwebs under them etc. A lot of people use car ports in complexes as

Read the paperwork bro, you gave Mark Zuckerberg the right of prima nocta to all your children.

It’s on a piece of paper that means its the right thing.