
If you want a Fiat Coupe, you need to wait a couple more years for the 20V 5 cylinder turbo, which is by far the best engine the Coupe ever got.

The majority of most jets’ propulsion comes from the fan. That’s because the fan is the most fuel-efficient source of thrust in a jet engine. But it’s also the least effective at higher and higher speeds.

Fun fact is that the vast majority of a jet’s propulsion is from the fan at the front and not the hot section. It is basically a ducted propeller. The concept of contra rotating propellers was explored by McDonnel Douglas in the 90's with the UHB demonstrator.

That said, there was not a single fatality on any of the TU-114. Excellent safety record, by any standard.

To this day, Mike Pence is kept up at night with thoughts of Russia Bears penetrating America’s vulnerable back door.

I don’t have anything to say, other than the Tu-95 Bear is awesome

So is there a way to build it with the engine in the back? Asking for GM.

Dafuq. Go play it now!

lol, it’s cute that you think we all still have rights.

Cops frequently go fishing. It costs them nothing and if they find anything it’s a bonus. They can make any claim they like, such as how the driver was nervous, because being pulled over by a guy who could legally shoot you in the head and claim “feared he was going for my gun” will work makes everyone nervous.

I went into it thinking I wouldn’t want to read all of the very long article, then couldn’t stop reading.

Arrest warrant and suspended license.

Festivus for the Messed Up of Us

ahem ... throwing keys inside and locking doors so he’d have NO way of getting home is kind of a sign someone is hiding something ... ergo, Probable Cause.

I mean without Link having the ability to fucking turn back time whenever he wants, the mask did throw a goddamn moon into the planet. That’s pretty fucking powerful. Ganondorf had 7 years with the triforce of power in OoT and he couldn’t even take out more than Castle Town. In WW he sits up in his singular tower

Place keys inside car, hit lock button on driver’s door, close door. 

Unfortunately true. I once got hit by a teenager who didn’t have a driver’s license. Apparently she had failed the test a couple of times. The good news is the car she was driving was her mom’s car which was insured.

Think about the turtles!

Maybe the cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, amphetamine pills and marijuana were the Christmas gifts. Did you ever consider that? Sounds like a really thoughtful guy actually. So much variety for his friends/family instead of giving them a crappy gift card for the local drug dealer.  

Too bad he wasn’t in California. Pretty much everything out here is a misdemeanor except for drinking from a plastic straw, that’s a felony.