Bryan doesn't drive a 1M

I will admit, I have always admired Patrick’s writing, and I love his story on the car. I do *understand* the appeal, but I also think that with just a 5.7, this thing doesn’t offer enough whatsoever, and even he, six years ago, admitted it was already outdated. Time has made it worse.

“Don’t write a letter, just pay more money,” recommends the industry group whose members are paid a percentage of every sale.

This year’s theme is “Doomed to an unending hellscape because capitalism is pretending the hellscape doesn’t exist”, which should be fun.

The biggest surprise for me, in this scene, is there was no moment where Cumberbatch and Downey Jr said to one another “No shit, Sherlock.”

Weird to criticize how the media diminishes what Jolie wants to talk about by posting an article that diminishes what Jolie wants to talk about.

So why again should anyone return to the office that can work remotely?  The cons clearly outweigh the benefits for both workers and employers. 

Expect an ATM stock offering very soon. All of these “days” are just stock pumping frauds designed to raise cash and share value. 4680 battery, $25k car, roadster, semi, FSD, robotaxis, etc. are all vaporware and this is just the latest freakshow. Back in the 90's, Elon put a standard desktop inside a fancy server

Where are you getting that the average investor loses money? If you put money into an S&P 500 fund, used dollar cost averaging and stayed invested long term, 7% is the historical average adjusted for inflation (closer to 10% un-adjusted). The big thing is don’t try and time the market and accept short term volatility


Coming from Australia there are a couple of things I find hard to handle about the USA. HOA telling you what you can do in your own property? Working 4 jobs just to stay alive. How is this freedom?

Spoken like a true superfluous middle manager type. Kudos

I can’t imagine anything in a museum I would be less interested in viewing.

Lol, think that is expensive, try getting a 55yo human up and running again that has been sitting since 1998. Six million in 1973 + inflation.

Wait, so this shitty ass slideshow is LITERALLY, LITERALLY just a list of the questions people asked?

They totally, do. However, they are less important after you’ve already read the story, and just want to remember “Was that 1 or 2 tablespoons of salt?”. 

Genuine question, what EV is suitable for towing a trailer with a car on it like... 500 miles? Let’s say you race Spec Miata, so you’re only towing 2500 lbs plus spares and tools, call it 3200 lbs plus the weight of the trailer, 1500 lbs for a 16' steel trailer, so total tow weight 4700 lbs.

Its almost like you can have multiple opinions about one event. Like I, for instance, can think both “fuck those morons holding a sideshow in the middle of a city” and “WTF was that cop thinking driving over the fucking people”.

Counterpoint: Fuck the Government’s “right” to participate in social media period. Force American citizens to learn about whats going on in government via official communications and .gov sites. If the president wants to blog, then let them use the official site to do so.

Or, it was so completely overrun with ads as to be virtually unplayable on any format except PC.

Wipers blades.