Bryan doesn't drive a 1M

There is no good reason. The only one that is always used is “culture” and everyone knows that’s horse poop. It’s been almost 2 years now, working remote isn’t new anymore and shouldn’t be considered some crazy experiment.

yeah, I hate that so much.

I assume after that Firefox story that you're a serial killer now? I can't imagine how angry that would make me.

No income tax in Seattle, sorry.

I don’t know anything about you or your life, but there’s no way you’ll get enough credit for this hilarious joke. Well done.

This might be my favorite comment on the whole internet.

That’s encouraging, maybe we’ll get it done sooner than they estimated.

We’re currently driving a rental Sentra until April when it is estimated that Nissan will have the parts for our recall. I wonder how many of these unfixed recalls are being falsely blamed on the consumer?

You could argue until you’re blue in the face with someone who is against it, but they will never see your side unless they open their mind.

Can you get Jalopnik COTD for a comment on Kotaku?

Fucking Navient! So glad to be done with those bastards.

My god, that 1987 interior is fantastic. I’m sad the future didn’t end up looking like that.

Says JasonStatham...

What scene? (haven’t seen the movie or read the book)

Actually, please don’t fuck people like that. It will only make more of them.

Thank you, Batman. You’re the hero we need.

And what if people are getting defensive about their lane 2 miles back? Or 3? Look at all that wasted asphault!

You’re awful.

Some of my best memories are from racing that outhouse. So topheavy.