Bryan doesn't drive a 1M

I Have No Butt and I Must Poop! #TrueHorror

Crêpes together... strong.

A marketing acronym?? Get him!

It was bonus money they stole from people they arrested.

The hero image threw me for a second, but I’m glad I clicked into the article. That poster is stunning; I need one and I don’t typically collect this type of stuff even though I’m a huge fan.

Yeah, I wouldn’t touch a Model 3 unless it was free. Too much about it that I don’t like. Between the all glass roof, ugly dash, the trunk, and the Big Brother network, I’d be much more interested in the Nissan. (There’s a phrase that I never thought I’d say.)

Kinda poetic that Harley is getting screwed by the guy their own customer base put into office.

“I guess we’ve both been a little irrational.”


But what happens if:

Just a reminder that the real victims are not the children, but the members of the administration enabling this abuse being mildly inconvenienced when going out to eat. Please say a prayer for them. 

Loved the event and seeing Jalop people-from-the-internet in the flesh.

Hear me out: Instead of paying the numerous billions of dollars and euros in fines for Dieselgate, what if VW would build a street legal version of the ID-R and sell it at the price of a Passat. Of course they’d lose a ton of money because building a Passat is probably way, way cheaper than building a Pikes Peak

Car show bro: “I see you got the ham and bread, but no cheese. Those ingredients are worthless without the cheese. I’m getting twin cheese put in mine, I won’t even need bread. ... No, I don’t actually own a sandwich, but my cousin does and he says you don’t need bread.

Fuck that guy, fuck Walgreens, and fuck the law making it ok.

So after all that, all of that, Fidelity was his sled

I think we should combine masochist and Torchinsky to create a new portmanteau named “masochinsky”, which describes automotive journalists who have an affinity for fun/unreliable vehicles.

“just unstoppable on a snowy road.”

Dealer: You’re in a desert, walking along in the sand. You come across a Saab 9-7x flipped over on its roof.