The Wakanda Salute isn’t the n-word lmao. You can do it.
The Wakanda Salute isn’t the n-word lmao. You can do it.
doesn’t make sense to only have miles do it, he’s half puerto rican and zero percent wakandan. stop dividing (and grouping) shit by skin colour.
They don’t! That should tell you something.
So you don’t have a cell phone, but you comment on the internet...
Im the opposite...well, not that my nuts are cold. I just love heated seats because of the therapy on the back. I went out of my way to get heated seats installed in the cruiser
The only order I need on the interstate is you moving to the right.
The turn signal.
I personally like that the diesel version is too slow for passing on the feeeway. Full size raptor drivers don’t always have the reputation for polite driving.
White people don’t use washcloths
I worked on the psychiatric crisis team in a community hospital for almost 8 years, and Tell you for a fact this is less a bias of race than it is a bias against mental health patients in general. As soon as this doctor realized that the only medication this person was taking was a benzodiazepine, which is highly…
There’s no racism going on here at all. Just a healthcare professional who has seen it all and is sick to the back teeth of fakers and bullsh*tters. As other healthcare professionals have pointed out in comments in other sources for this story, she was simply giving her professional diagnoses based upon the evidence…
Background: am a 4th year medical student. Klonopin (Clonazepam) does not “treat” anxiety disorders, it calms it down. Benzos like Klonopin basically work on receptors like alcohol and are as therapeutic as alcohol. Lots of patients abuse benzos and the field is rapidly moving to recognizing them as harmful when used…
They are not seceding over racial hatred. They are doing it over the second amendment. Read the post. You fucking people are dense.
You guys are so racist. I thought liberal progressives we’re supposed to be tolerant and celebrate diversity. Taking away someone else’s rights is not being tolerant or diverse or progressive. You do know that the civil war was not about slavery correct? It was about how far should Federal powers reach and still have…
So a symbolic if absurd gesture gets the writers panties in a bunch and she decides it’s a racial issue? No that’s not stupid at all. And please even if a trade was viable Puerto Rico is not acceptable. We have enough of their problem children here already. Give us Panama instead. A viable and desirable country.
Incredible... The level of hatred and misinformation of the comments AND the article... And all in response to individuals simply suggesting their OWN self-sufficiency and self-protection. This is pure madness. So much anger and rabid enthusiasm to bully those who are making no attempt to infringe on your rights, your…
Lets take away the guns. Need more gun laws and gun control. Chicago Illinois murder capital in the United States. Some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. London striped people of guns. Now murder capital of the world. Australia striped the people of guns. Violent crime went up 50%. School shootings all…
There were 37,443 knife related crimes in the UK, vs 1,604 in the USA... All they did was swap guns for knives...
I fully support this legislation.