Bryan Ruth

It's what they called the guy with the whip in the fields. From the sound of the whip when he cracked it in the air or on them. So, when someone tries to use it as a derogatory term for me, I just laugh at them... I lived in a predominantly black area as a kid and that was what they called me, either my friends being

I prefer to be called a Cracker, but whatever...

Are you a “colonizer”? No? Then give the shit up. Either we are all equal, or we are all different... I don’t understand this world we are in right now. Feels like we are working backwards. A sign of respect to a particular nation, fantasy or real, absolutely should not be only for that nation. What are we? Fucking

Mine is easy... South Carolina, it’s a tree and crescent moon😜

Meh, most people couldn't even discern their own flag from ones of almost identical renderings... 

I don’t mind the hand crank windows, until I have to go through a neighborhood gate that the guard is on my right (for whatever stupid reason some are...)

Spotify, Pandora, etc. (I don't know/use anything else other than YouTube when I am looking for specific songs)

And the cooled seats for me because I like to be colder than my wife and the seats keep me perfect in her hot car...🤣


My dad had his truck totaled and was waiting for his settlement. He bought like an 80's model tercel and we filled it with tools and put a 40' ladder on the roof to finish a job we were doing. I thought he was insane, mostly because of the way he was laughing all the way to the job.

3 of the 4 in midgard are relatively easy once you get the “pattern” have not done the rest

Crackers, lol, derogatory but “not” because it’s about white people. Classic

Yes. I can control the motorcycle accident part by not riding one. I cannot, however, tell the crackhead that I am not down with being shot, and have him say” my bad bro, I’ll catch the next one”.

Okay, most of us like our immigrants, don’t let the 100 assholes who think they are taking our jobs (even though they cry when they have to do the digging/menial task they are so worried about not having because of the mecsikans) put a fucking label on me cause i am white and have a gun... thats right, 1 gun.

No, we keep the immigrants and give them the citizenship that they so desperately desire. Unlike the current government. I employ whatever race wants to work. Just because I am southern, doesn’t make me a racist Trump loving deplorable. Lose your prejudice, please.

That was NORTH Carolina Lt. Sir. Not south carolina.


Who the hell is that?

Im not related to him...

Thank you