Bryan Ruth

In a perfect world, that would be awesome. Problem is that most unions don’t care about the individual worker. They are corrupt and only care about the union runners’ and their family’s income. I’ve lived in NYC and gotten the big picture from actual union workers. The union gets, let’s say 100 bathrooms to tile. They

Trump ain’t my boy, none of the recent presidents/nominees were worth voting for so stop putting me in a group like some back woods racist would

What is this corridor of shame you speak of? I guarantee I do not live in this place.

How prejudiced you are. “Hey guys, he likes guns! Guaranteed he is a white racist!”

How prejudiced you are. “Hey guys, he likes guns! Guaranteed he is a white racist!”

All this over not wanting the government to slowly whittle away at our rights... this fight is in your favor too jackass. Or maybe you want to be told what to do every day? I mean you do like the RIGHT to choose what you wear, drive, eat, etc. NYC already tried to tell people how much soda you were allowed to purchase

When did I move to southern california?

I am not some hillbilly, confederate loving racist. I like my rights and I like immigrants.I don’t do the faceyspace social brainwasher. And i dont own a machine gun, that would be illegal. I am however for my state telling the government that they are wrong, and if they have to do it by threatening to leave the

How is your city doing with gun control? Have they had any shooting deaths recently?

Not sure what we will do with our farmlands, I guess if we secede we will lose those too? And our lakes and rivers? Whatever will we do? Oh, wait.....

And as soon as you burn it welcome to 1984...

No one is running. They are just saying that we will stand up against the govt if they try anything against our beliefs/rights. Don’t know where you got the running part.

So you think people should just vote for you cause you are a Democrat? You didn’t put any of your personal views in your advertisement. Instead of banking on rep vs dem how about tell people what you really want. Are you anti-gun, pro-life, pro-women? What are You? I know the last two don’t work together but you get

What about the black republicans, don’t forget about them.

Because there are “safe-zones” where criminals will never go because they follow the laws!? I agree that there are people who should not own guns because they are mental or they have been convicted of violence related crimes, or some because they aren’t responsible enough to learn proper safety practices (there should

I will gladly serve the military, if the need should arise.

Actually, states are allowed their own laws. Also, we are a right to work state so we dont want overpriced union-ran companies down here trying to get paid 12hr shifts while getting 3-4 actual production hours out of your employees. All while your union taxes the hell out of the employees who you are supposed to be

Not going against your post, well put. One thing though... WACO

Well, according to another poster, we all drive jacked-up trucks and SUVs so by that logic if the roads don’t get taken care of we will be fine cause our vehicles are made to be off-road anyway... lol or maybe we will just redirect the funds that are left for welfare into roads and make the former welfare dependent

Do not need internet or tv to survive (unless you are a millennial I guess). As for food, we have loads of it seeing as we are a farming, hunting, fishing state. As for money, you do know that money is just a modern version of bartering for those who were too dumb to learn useful skills like carpentry, farming,