Bryan Ruth

This article has started out so wrong South Carolina didn’t decide to leave the union because of chattel slavery...It all started because they didn’t want to be run by federal laws. Slavery was the furthest thing from the table at the time. Yes it was a dark time during the history of our great nation but come on

Dumb as a box of buckets of bags of bricks. Good for South Carolina. Take away the amendment all together, then even criminals can’t get guns . . . Oh wait . . . They don’t follow the rules anyway! Liberals make me laugh. It’s funny how the article posts a message about handguns but no one’s marching for the 3000

Actually this is a terribly sad thought. I did my thesis work on birds at Audubon in South Carolina, with Biologists who generously gave me keys to the sanctuary and showed me the gorgeous, second-oldest cypress forest in the country. I also saw incredible shows at Spoleto, an arts festival in the very progressive

No thanks, I like it here. Please don’t separate those of us who get along.

Your liberals believe ANYTHING you want to fit your vacuumed life. But, it isn’t happening in SC as you’ve been led to believe. WELL STATED Bryan Ruth.

I’ve lived in SC for 13 years. Most of the time, the stories of this type of shit come from the Upstate. From 95 and south is definitely conservative, but doesn’t hold a candle to the line north of 95. All the craziness politically in SC can be traced to the upstate.

Made basically the same comment earlier, but it got deleted I guess. Glad to see some people were raised properly and dont see everything as racism. Life is hard and people are ignorant but soul food is just friggin delicious!

Say it LOUD...I’M BLACK & I’M PRIDE! I am proud of my KOOL AID, WATERMELON, RIBS, MAC& CHEESE, COLLARD GREENS & whatever else that let’s YOU KNOW...I’m black & I’m proud..Let’s stop being shame of who we or what we do. That is what makes us unique and different...SAY IT LOUD...I’M BLACK & I’M PROUD!!! “Yes I am.”

I don’t get what all the fuss is about, I’ve never been ashamed of Soul Food. It’s black history and soul food is part of black history it’s part of Black Culture it’s part of the things that we were allowed to make our own. What would you expect at a Black History Month celebration Hamburger Helper. When I go to St

That’s the problem with political correctness being taken too far.

Meanwhile, millions of black families serve the very same meal at reunions and BBQs every year... Yeah, it’s racially insensitive. Give me a break.

Sounds a bit too much as though you want a “safe space” for your kids. College is also a time for them to grow up, and that includes learning to deal with adversity.

Greens and mac and cheese should be on every menu.

If what is in this article is true, the 2 black employees didn’t make any mistake and did nothing wrong. A person decided they were offended and looked for emotional validation. Unfortunately, she found it.

Here’s the deal. Its a racist word that hurts people. Dont use it.