Bryan L

The gop is going to keep trotting out trump until he’s dead.

Nobody in Florida who ever saw him open his mouth and speak in front of people ever thought he’d be president either. We all knew he was a charisma void, now the entire country does.

Even then, it was clear he didn’t care about Disney. It is even clear now that he doesn’t really care about all the culture war stuff he was pushing. He was always just projecting fake tough guy energy and trying to be as cruel as possible to impress the rubes. His problem was that he could never pull that off as well

Only Ron DeathScentence thought he was a serious contender. Now’s he’s just Pudding Fingers.

Gawd, politics, ideology and personal animus are all things that get washed away when it comes to making money.

My father fed his dissertation, written in 1974, into GPTZero and it flagged as 80% AI. So he did a little back and forth with MIT to find out if his work had been cited in any other work. Which it had, about 200 times since he published.

Yeah, that sentence about how ‘perfect’ grammar and punctuation is a sign of AI use jumped out at me. It’s like being penalized for knowing where the commas and semicolons are supposed to go.

This is REAL journalism. A truly baffling glimpse into an absurd reality, where AI is killing jobs by judging the work of humans as its own.

...spotting the hallmarks of AI penmanship, such as perfect grammar and punctuation.

That’s the rub, right? For every mistake that you leave in after proofreading you lose marks and sound less intelligent, but if you do your job right then the whole thing gets thrown for being computer generated. At this rate all written work will sound like Idiocracy in a couple years, where it’s just a series of

In general, AI detectors work by spotting the hallmarks of AI penmanship, such as perfect grammar and punctuation.

Reminds me a bit of the time in 6th grade I got a failing grade on a book report because the teacher thought it was “too good” for me to have written it. In reality, I suspect it wasn’t all that great, but at the time I read a lot of newspaper articles and book reviews and somewhat adopted the style of the writers,

It seems like if you’re a writer who’s aware of grammar rules, knows how to spell, and was taught to avoid re-using the same work too many time (sure, I’ll admit I’m one of them), you are much more likely to be flagged as AI.

I’m so glad I’m not in school anymore. My professional writing style is way too close to what these language models come up with, so I’m sure most of my papers would get immediately flagged by these anti-AI tools. Nothing like spending hours on report only to immediately fail because you sound too much like ChatGPT.

AI trains on millions of human written articles. AI gets really good at imitating human writing. AI thinks everything is AI.

Great. So we have another YouTube copyright situation but worse. Now writers will have to do all kinds of lingual gymnastics to get around the new rules that affects humans, decided by computers.

An Ohio Billionaire? They will buy the best 3rd party Playstation Controllers.

You’ll get mah porn from my cold sticky dead hand!

Aren’t iPhones partially water-resistant now? So why would you be putting it in rice in the first place? Also, I highly doubt that the pin connections are going to be damaged by a bit of rice, the same lightning connection that sits in my pocket collecting lint, getting packed in for months and cleaned out

One of the single best things I ever did for myself was deleting my Twitter account years ago and never returning. I noticed that being on that site actually made me a worse person in almost every way - I was a lot more irritable, I had less patience, and it made my already existing depression so much worse. I really,