I enjoy this take.
I enjoy this take.
I’m a white person who grew up in the Midwest. These dumb asses are my family. Cousins and aunts and uncles mostly, thankfully not my nuclear family.
You are right.
GOP’s singular tactic is now to distract because they have nothing going on. Covid relief is popular, and the vaccination goal set by the President of a million a day is now over 2 million a day. We have boring competency in leadership. Meanwhile conservatives priorities: cancel culture, abortion, and conspiracies.
Facebook. They are doing Facebook. (and other social media outlets that “assist” in determining what you would like to read)
The GOP’s entire agenda now is “stick it to the libs.” Not “reduce taxes on the working class” or “promote small business” or even “increase money for struggling.” Nope, it’s “Is this something that I can use to try to make lips/Dems look bad?” And they will go to any stretch to do so. Take the other non-issue, the…
Not only that, but that user name is taken and has 27k followers.
Catholic Church: How dare you, an adult, openly express consensual sexuality. Won’t someone please think of the children?!
It boggles my mind that people can make that kind of money for such pursuits.
I have a hard time being upset when kids get kicked out of toxic religious schools because their families aren’t toxic religious people.
and the Lord Jesus spoke: “ye, if thou hast a rockin bod, make yon ducats on the site only for fans, my child! dolla, dolla bills, ye all!”
Oh, no! Now her kids will never learn all of those important ethics and principles only the Catholics can teach...
Can’t wait until the school figures out how much money they gave up in donations and tithes by kicking this lady’s children out.
Nah, it was made for porn. There was actually an interesting article written lately that goes go into the founders (father/son duo, where the other son also works there). From the medium article:
Their first mistake was sending their kid(s) to a Catholic school. If these people are bombarding them with hateful messages, then this (catholicism) is all a farce (to me).
Excuse me, but WTF is the problem? They’re married. Jesus didn’t say shit about having an OnlyFans! Being Christian must be hard.
If you find yourself living in a community of assholes, sending your kids to a school run by an asshole, it’s maybe a good idea to find a better community.
ROFL...neighbors and parents “discovered” the site, huh? Any word on which dad or dads outed her to the rest? Jesus is fine with us LOOKING at OnlyFans, apparently...it’s only the posters who need to be kicked out. You couldn’t pay me to send my kids to a Catholic school.
Mary Magdalene would have had an OnlyFans.