Bryan L

How many of the cybertrucks were disabled by the water used to wash off the graffiti?

I am a professional writer, and my work also gets flagged as AI-generated. Essentially, if you’re good at writing, AI is going to say you’re AI. Fortunately I started with my current company before ChatGPT was released, so they know I do my own work. But a lot of writers don’t have that kind of tenure or bosses who

That’s the premise of “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” by Ursula K. LeGuin. And that’s why she was a science fiction grandmaster. 

Bingo. My last three phones (not Apple) were waterproof up to 5 feet for like 20 minutes. Wipe them off and be on your way. Is Apple still making phones that aren’t waterproof? 

I did my master’s thesis on LeGuin a ... long time ago. Her work deserves every bit of attention it gets.

Yes. I worked for a software company and they “embraced” them as a way to demonstrate the software. Problem was, they weighed 700 lbs and I was in charge of getting them to tradeshows. Shipping and handling were exorbitant.

I feel like this is closer to Daredevil’s billy club. At this point, I think what we have here is a marketing problem. You’re selling to the wrong hero, JT. 

Same. I’ve got a disabled friend who can’t leave his apartment. This is devastating to him. Yes, I can invite him to raids but the cost of distance passes mounts up, and he’s disabled. I’d be willing to accept the shorter distances if Niantic would allow disabled players to get expanded distances through some sort of

I think we can safely assume Sam Jones III won’t be asked back, either. 

I had the same experience in Atlanta. It was just faster to drive. That said, I still tried to take the train 2-3 days a week. But it added a half-hour to the commute each way, and I still had to have a car to get me to the train station. The times it did pay off were during massive gridlock, and you could watch the

I also bought a robot vacuum during the pandemic, and immediately felt better. Being at home all day means seeing all the dirt all day (tile floors are unforgiving in that regard) and I kept grabbing the broom and dustpan and going at it.

But was it killed by a Russian/Ukrainian hit squad? 

On the other hand, the phrase “Giuliani, who is not a good lawyer” is a marvel of understatement. So I’m inclined to forgive the error. 

They can’t come up with clever ways to challenge the Flash so they fall back on speedsters. Evil speedsters, possessed speedsters, time-lost speedsters, misguided speedsters, alternate universe speedsters. That’s pretty much their whole gameplan. 

Those are churches that don’t believe in White Anglo-Saxon Jesus who carries an assault weapon and terrorizes anyone who doesn’t look like him. That’s in the New Testament, Book of I Never Read This. 

Let’s don’t forget coordinating with National Popcorn Day. Yes, that will strike fear into the hearts of all liberals. Next they’ll plan something on National Talk Like a Pirate Day. 

Or he dies. He’s an old man in relatively poor condition. They keep punting, he’s going to kick off. Problem solved until the next fascist comes along. 

As someone who’s done a lot of contract copy writing in his career, I can corroborate this. When I accepted the contract I agreed to the paycheck. Has my work been reprinted repeatedly, even under other people’s bylines? Yes. But I agreed to turn in the copy, and get the paycheck, and that’s where their obligation to

Gaetz and his partner-in-crime Joel Greenberg were allegedly trying to set up a sex ring/pimping operation. So yeah, Nestor was probably involved, possibly as a trafficking victim. There’s no non-icky interpretation of what happened. 

It will happen. Eventually Nestor will do some kind of tell-all, particularly if Gaetz drops him to locate another 12-year-old.