Bryan L

“Where the hell have they been for the last two decades as heroes like Iron Man and Black Widow dealt with Thanos and others?”

I see what you did there.

Yes, but nobody’s going elsewhere and growing their own rhinos.

Kinda like when they tried to destroy the pot trade (and pot smokers’ lungs) by spraying it with paraquat.

Do you want gigantic rhinos destroying our cities?

Now let’s go after the rich assholes who buy this stuff.

Well... That’s an option - an extreme one, but an option no less. Anything that deters the poachers is a-ok in my book!

It’s a different ‘60s, a different universe in the multi-verse, not 616 (or 199999 or ‘the sacred timeline’ or whatever we’ve been watching). That’s what they’re talking about with the different retro-future skyline and everything.

They were Lying?

i wonder if theyre going to be from the universe whatshername went to in The Marvels with the X-Men. since we didnt see anyone outside of Beast and her alternate mom their world could be a futuristic 60s. basically the Marvel Silver Age Universe since thats when the majority of Marvel’s popular characters come from.

Republicans want a nationwide ban on all contraceptives. They also want to end no-fault divorce, same-sex marriage and a whole host of other things. You really need to read up on Project 2025. 

I just saw a stat showing how the Texas anti-abortion law has generated a 12.7% jump in infant/maternal mortality rates there. This is why you don’t vault opinions and beliefs above science, facts, and reason. 

A modification of that famous quote:

Sure birth rates are up, but so are maternal and prenatal mortality rates, so it all evens out. See?

Indeed.  So sick of the false equivalency.

But I can’t vote for Biden because _____.”

And doesn't each truck have a multitude of cameras to capture events just like this? 

And in the article, “No visible signs of security”, which makes me wonder if there were no cameras or anything, and marvel at leaving a couple of million dollars of inventory simply out in the open like that.

While I don’t assume that’s true, your comment did make me think of the old white guy who said that his driveway was vandalized by Black teens. It said “Blacks Rule” in spray paint. Totally believable graffiti, sounded exactly like the type of thing young people would say. 

MAYBE it wasn’t someone hired by Elon or a rabid MAGA trying to false flag for Elon? Just putting that possibility out there, however remote, before someone says otherwise.