Bryan L

Uh fuck Twitter. His account, by their so called standards, should’ve been taken down years ago. They helped this fat fucking piece of shit slink his way to four years in office and dammit they are bound and determined to get this cock gobbling fuck stick four more. Note to all media stop covering his ass. He craves

It’s the standard GOP playbook but it’s doubly ironic when the ‘Senator from MBNA’ is the subject.

TFW you’ve painted yourself into a narrative corner and have to make the case that Joe fucking Biden is a “radical leftist.”

Do we know he doesn’t have it? I mean, the man lies all the time.

do you think they’d tell us if he did?

The man must have nose hair like barbed wire

I feel like he's been raw-dogging porn stars and escorts from the 90s for so long, his immune system must be strong as shit

Im trying to figure out how this idiot hasn’t caught corona yet. No mask, and all these people that work for him, secret service, and people from the past rally have gotten it but he hasn’t. He and Pence low-key got one of the test vaccines. They would.

+5 for Pennysaver reference

“We feel every living thing has a right to safeguard their future...”

...KKK Newspapers...

Typical coward behavior.

Yeah, the market is much more competitive than when they were the only game in town. Like, why be in the KKK when you can be in another white supremacist group with all the fervency of the KKK but with far less stigma?

BTW, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan claims to be the largest Klan organization in the country. It’s that horrible group headquartered down near Harrison, Arkansas that you may have seen in the news in recent decades. This particular Klan was taken over in the 1980's by Thomas Robb from...David Duke.

This is classic Klan behavior. They blanket porches and stoops and mailboxes and your windshield wipers with this shit in the dead of night.

Trying for a comeback, but they’re going way to soft to grab the Proud Boys and militias.

Spamming their newspaper to a neighborhood? Fuckers are out there spreading their dumbass beliefs using the same model as the Pennysaver.

And none of these peckerwoods have Ring or someother home security overkill?

He was nominated in ‘18 for it as well, by the same guy.

Filet O’ Fish? Yeah you on that limb alone.