Bryan L
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I found video proof that Thug Airlines really is a thing! Tom Arnold made a documentary about it back in the early ‘00s and everything!

Fam, this is wild.  How is it not making headlines everywhere??

It means "George Soros must be behind this!"

Conservatives always need a “Bogeyman” so they can play the victim and keep their foolish base voting in fear of “the other”.

On Brian Kemp's watch? The hell you say!

Imagine how not surprised Mango Pol Pot will be when he finds out that the Thug Plane was actually a C-130 that left from Dulles, all those thugs dressed in black were actually Customs and Border Patrol agents, the city they were sent to was Portland, and HE’S THE MUHFUKAH WHO SENT THEM!

Re-Register my peeps

I am disappointed in you Michael. Yeah you got an exclusive from the Thug Plane but dammit The Soup Posse is what we really need to be worried about. mean shit these brothers have cans of soup ready to do damage. Who cares about an AR-15 when some monster with a can of Chunky’s is ready to do some damage

Absurdity of the concept of planes full of activists jet setting around the country, I need someone to explain to me what “they all got fresh new clothes” means...

Error implies accidental. It wasn’t an accident. It was very deliberate and methodical. It just maintains the semblance of plausible deniability for the purposes of not upsetting too many of the white folk who are still on the fence about this whole ‘racism’ thing.

Stacey Abrams had her election stolen by voter suppression. Was there anybody who thought it wouldn’t get worse?

Well, he was clearly the romantic lead until Disney freaked out over having a white woman and a black man together on screen. The furious rewrite of his character by the second film alone showed that.

Yes, that’s the one detail where I think he dropped the ball. Everything he said about his experience as being singled out for being a Black man is true, obviously. And everything about his experience was true for Kelly Marie Tran also. Racism gonna racist.

It amazes me how many Star Wars fans actually root for the Evil Empire.

Nobody else had the uproar and death threats sent to their Instagram DMs and social media

Those people are his base but he hasn’t expanded beyond that. He can’t. He’s not winning any new supporters and he’s lost support in every demo.

As awful as it is to live through, the best thing for us is for Trump to keep talking. It only hurts his chances more. Which doesn’t change the fact that I am SO sick of this crazy old kook. 

She was waiting for him to put his hands on her. lol She’d have tossed this old ass pile of bones right out the damn door.

lol, she was sitting there like...

I went there and can confirm there are plenty of racist shitheads from UT. Although the biggest diehard Longhorn fans/gear wearers often didn’t go to UT (or any college), which I always found kinda weird.