Bryan L


“ethnic intimidation” = “being non-white around someone who is terrified of everyone who is not white”. It’s like an agoraphobe trying to sue the outdoors for being there.

I’ve been yelling at a wall, since I was old enough to realize how the system works, trying to convince poor and middle class white people that we have the same enemies as POC and other minorities like LGBT+. 

Laughing all the way to their offshore banks.

He could have taken this seriously and united and led the country, instead he decided to refuse to listen to experts, lie, deny, minimize, blame others, and promote conspiracy theories, because that’s all he knows how to do. Unfortunately, none of these actions are useful for, you know, actually leading a country

It’s not the chance of losing the WH that has him bummed out, it’s the fact that the moment he exits the WH, legal hell of ten kinds is going to rain down on him. Thus far, he’s protected by Moscow Mitch and people scared of slippery slope bullshit and so on. But the moment he leaves....? And he knows it and can’t do

Ben Carson is napping in his chair, dreaming of Klingon Jesus

“He has lost the will to live.”

“I’ve done everything a stupidly as possible, just like I always do. Why isn’t it working this time?”

And a better capacity for learning.

Right?? That’s what he gets for making something that NEVER should be political (a pandemic), and then making it about his reelection chances and if it will fuck up “his” good economy.

Maybe he’ll die of a broken heart.

I know it’s a long shot, but if Big Orange Baby somehow gains enough awareness to realize that he could have saved “his” economy by merely putting on a damn mask back in March, and encouraging his white trash NASACARians to do the same, maybe he’ll fall sobbing into a blubbery pile of regret and chug down a bottle of

Seriously though, treat yourself to a Friday delight by reading the Posts article. You know when you see Ashley Parker in the byline that 25 people came out to anonymously talk shit.

And if multiple poll numbers are correct, its going to be a massive landslide that may even lose the republicans the Senate, that they will have to work for years to get out of. But what is more likely their plan if they lose? Say the election was rigged, and wont vacate the White House. I look forward to the day

Seriously, there are newborns with more emotional maturity.

I think he knows that he’s going to lose in November. He’s going to be humiliated, the first one-term president in a long time. And then there’s a real chance that he’s going to die in prison.

Rich white people get over on poor white people by telling the poor whites “you are better than those lazy POCs, but you have to keep them down so they don’t take your stuff.” When that doesn’t work, the rich weaponize law enforcement. Meanwhile the rich are stealing them blind. This trick has worked for hundreds of

“Now more than ever, we should be united in our goal to remove politics from sports.”