Or they’re only counting the two letters?
Or they’re only counting the two letters?
I assume this was done as a volunteer-driven activity so they couldn’t put a price on the labor?
How is a project that 100 people spent five hours on being valued at only $400? You can’t even get a two-man crew from any trade to show up to any job for less than twice that.
I mean none of this was news. For crying out loud the man can’t name you one friend he has. Not one. He is devoid of any emotions, he can’t admit failure or that he was wrong. I told everyone to watch the documentary “Who Killed The USFL?” Hint it was the fat loser who wanted to go head to head with The NFL and had no…
Getting there
What they’ve been doing for the past four years, basically.
Trump supporters will read a book
I wouldn’t say she confirmed it, but rather she just piled on looooong after it everyone else knew it.
Trump supporters will read a book cataloging his every evil, malicious instinct and intent and say “Yeah, that’s why we like him!”
While it’s hardly earth shattering news to anyone with even half of a functioning brain, I’m sure it’s going to lend itself to some pretty eagerly awaited juicy gossip.
The thing is, we know all of this already. People who knew Trump long before his TV show warned us. People who knew him while the show was on warned us. People warned us when he started the birther bullshit. People warned us when he started running. While the tea is lovely, this is yet one more person telling us what…
Hoooooo boy....they hate when we get uppity...
“I reacted emotionally and made false assumptions about his intentions . . . .”
I mean he is going full Grand Dragon at this point and knows he has nothing to lose if he does so. Biden actually has decent numbers with white voters so this is just frustration at this point. Why anybody is shocked by this is beyond me. This mutha fucka told you who he was the minute he waddled his fat ass down that…
I am imagining the sound they make!
Trump has lost it. He thinks that going full racist like Stom Thurmond or Jessie Helms is going to connect with the American people and win him this election. This “controversy” has been over for almost 2 weeks, why bring it up now? It serves no purpose, political or otherwise. It only pokes the bear that is the…
“That & Flag decision has caused lowest ratings EVER!”
Bitches gonna bitch