Bryan L

This will never not be creepy and  yes, it sounds like grooming a victim to me. 

Idiocy is eternal. As long as there are humans, there will be morons. 

The show’s already diving into one of my least favorite Superman powers, impossible super-hearing. As depicted, it’s some type of mental telepathy or clairvoyance. Sound moves at 721 mph, more or less. It would take hours for screams from China to reach Smallville, even if they weren’t swallowed up by all the other

Exactly. A solution in search of a problem. 

I have read comics in a park on a tablet, but not very often. Occasional lunch hours when the weather is nice. But I use my Samsung Galaxy, same as you. For the money, I’d much rather go with a full-service tablet than an e-reader.

*than* money

It’s not accidental. Once fundamentalist leaders assume power, controlling sex becomes an aspect of that power. Just like amassing money. But it’s probably more pervasive -- not everyone can amass money, but even the lowest member of the cult can demand “submission” from his wife, and is supported by cult leadership.

Evangelicals are a cult. I’m former Southern Baptist, and I can absolutely see it, even in the most “benign” of churches and denominations. More importantly, religious fundamentalism fosters certain mindsets that gets extended into other aspects of life, like:

This. I assumed there’s been a time jump. But I’ll freely admit it wasn’t explicitly stated. So this is 14 years in Supergirl’s future, when anything could have happened.

That’s my take. They might keep him as an MCU Quicksilver (though I think he’ll get sent back), but I think he’s just yanked from another universe. And I’d also state:

It’s simpler than that. It’s blinding ignorance. Virtually every instance of far-right cognitive dissonance is founded in utter stupidity, which stems from their inability to read or comprehend the “immutable truths” they claim to protect. The Bible? So, so big, so many words, plus funny and foreign words, who has

There you go. He’s Fuckhead Q. Private Citizen that has to abide by the Facebook terms of service, which include not getting people murdered. Since he did that, ban him forever. 

For the most part, I think this is correct. But the stupidity and ignorance has been carefully cultivated by the Republican Party’s decades-long war on public education. Massive education defunding, byzantine “accountability” requirements, charter schools that are scam operations, all of it is designed to create a

I’d also add that you can tell the difference between the true lunatics and the manipulative assholes by who shows up in court with their bullshit. Crazies will actually spew their nonsense at a judge. Manipulative assholes will go to any length to avoid getting hauled into court and cross-examined because they’re

Well, that, and the fact that Democrats will be chairing the commissions charged with regulating them now. Don’t be fooled -- if Warnock and Ossoff hadn’t won in Georgia, Zuckerberg and Dorsey would be saying, oh, dear me no, we can’t muzzle the president, even if he violates our TOS. 

That’s exactly what they think. It remains to be seen whether or not it will work. A week ago, before those legislators faced an angry mob that would kidnap and execute them, I’d have said, lol, not they won’t do shit. Now, though?

It’s absolutely debatable, but there are people that will argue that impeachment can continue beyond an elected official’s term for purposes of banning that person from future office. If ever there was a reason to test that theory, it’s now.

It’s going to help clear the field for 2024 so they can nominate a smarter racist asshole to run for president. So do they choose between eliminating this orange fuck-up for all time so they can put someone more effective in there, or supporting the useless orange fuck-up so they can get points with MAGA shitballs?

Not exactly true. Pardons carry the imputation of guilt, but don’t actually admit guilt. But, if most people believe you are guilty if you accept a pardon, the subtle distinction isn’t going to matter much.

I think that’s unlikely. Narcissists typically use suicide as a final attempt to manipulate people. Since his goal is to get back into office, suicide won’t help him reach it. Further, he’d have to be able to recognize cause and effect, and I’m not sure he’s capable of that any more (I think he’s had growing dementia