Bryan L

I felt the same. I guess we could assume he was arrested or something after the movie ended, but on what grounds? I also was perturbed by all the remaining damage — I assumed when Max renounced, everything got re-set. But that clearly didn’t happen. So yeah, massive worldwide damage without any apparent consequences.

That’s what I say. Don’t start none, won’t be none. 

Octopuses need to figure out how to live longer than a couple of years first. Right now, I’ve got yogurt older than them. 

Yep. Ms. Lying Liar really can’t afford to lose the Nazi vote at this point. And I’m guessing that’s not insignificant in Georgia.

Sorry, while I still agree with you that the shield doesn’t need to be on the cape in popular media, I must raise a point. I have all my Super Powers figures. And Superman has the yellow shield on his cape. (My set would sell for about $3,500 if I were inclined to part with it. I am not.)

The shield on the cape was dropped in most animated version of Superman because of the difficulty in animating the movement of the cape with the shield. So I don’t really miss it, either. 

Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, a Trump lickspittle and spineless toady, has promoted lies and disinformation for months (detailed in article below - may be paywalled). This is politically motivated retribution, as more and more information is revealed on the depths to which DeSantis is willing to sink. He actually

into his dotage”

Really? Most of the stations here have gone to digital signs and pumps. They’ll raise prices during the day. It’s not something you see every day, but I’ve seen them change from morning to afternoon. Particularly prior to hurricanes. By law any price increase during a state of emergency that exceeds 25% in a single

Oh, that’s easy. Basing “pricing” on “futures” allows oil companies to justify sending price changes to gas stations at a second’s notice. Every time there is an oil “crisis,” gas prices jump within minutes. The gas that’s sitting in the tank under the gas station cost the exact same amount to refine, ship, and

Or, y’know, not friends. “Hey, Chad from Accounting, I know we’ve had our differences, and I’d like to make it up to you by taking you on a little trip ...”

I’ve got one that’s got lights already embedded in the branches, it snaps apart into sections that incorporate the electrical sockets in the “trunk”, and the branches and stand are hinged and flare out like an umbrella. The tree itself takes about 10 minutes to unpack, snap together and turn on. No watering, no

Just put up an artificial tree. That’s what every other municipality, business, and theme park does, along with most homeowners. It’s faster, easier, reuseable, cheaper, and frankly, better looking.

Well, clearly the man has an enormous amount of integrity and feels like he can’t look complicit with this fuckshittery. But setting that aside (with respect), he also may be thinking about his post-Trump career. At this point, the smart move is to put as much distance between yourself and Trump as possible. There’s

I’ve said this before, but they’re going to have to strip the White House down to the wall studs and acid-wash the foundation to get the orange stains and grease from fast-food wrappers out. Now it’s even more imperative. 

Then renovation. Strip the place down to the wall studs and acid-wash the foundation to get the orange stains out. Then rebuild. I consider that a fine use of my tax dollars. Probably cheaper than a Trump golf outing. 

An hour’s probably generous. As is the phrase ‘actual work.’ He no longer has the intellectual capacity to finish a sentence (if he ever did), much less focus on a topic for a solid hour.

That was my thought. Could Herman Cain’s family draw a direct line from Trump to Cain’s death? Seems to me like they could. And, as all the legal experts basically said, while it’s impossible to hold him guilty for over 200,000 deaths, it’s easier to prosecute just one.

Speaking excessively in superlatives is actually a symptom of extreme narcissism. I have a toxic narcissist in my own life, and the parallels between her language and Trump’s are eerie. Probably gilding the lily, but read these propaganda techniques and see how many Trump uses every day (spoiler, it’s all of them).

It really isn’t. I’ve had to settle for terrifying my siblings into not discussing politics in my presence. My furious explanation of the 14th Amendment cowed them into shutting up for three solid days (for the olds among us I went full Julia Sugarbaker on them). There’s a lot of huddling and whispering but fuck that