Bryan L

When this first came up, another commenter said that these racist fools think that Trump is orange Santa Claus, and you can just tweet out your bigoted wish list and he’ll come riding up on a sleigh pulled by eight tiny ICE agents to grant your fondest white supremacy dream (I’m paraphrasing). Yes, they are that

You’re probably right. If she didn’t figure it out on her own already, I’m sure somebody told her. I suspect she’s got a rider on her employment contract that says she can’t divorce him until he’s no longer president, so she’s stuck until that’s over. 

I don’t doubt that for a second. Remember when the President of the United States thought Frederick Douglass was still alive? 

In this administration, I’m sure someone completely corrupt and amoral overruled her background check. In the world at large, you’d be surprised how often a “background check” consists of a HR admin looking at your LinkedIn profile. Like you, I’ve been through several extensive checks, but only when I worked for

Yeah. I’ve even got original transcripts I could scan and alter, if I were inclined to do so. They’ve got watermarks and whatnot, but my Adobe-fu is more than strong enough to handle that if I wanted to put in the time. The university should send transcripts directly to the company, but I’m sure many do just as yours

Research is work. None of that pedestrian shit for Ms. Chang. 

That’s easy. She simply had Trump, or someone reporting to Trump, overrule the background check. He’s done it before (see Jared Kushner). Trump would see nothing wrong with all these lies -- he’d compliment her on her initiative and creativity (but use much smaller words). 

True. Melania doesn’t spend any more time with Trump than she absolutely has to as spelled out in her employment contract. I’m pretty sure no touching is allowed. I strongly suspect that she charges him for any non-obligatory appearances. She will never collect, because Trump doesn’t pay contractors, but I’d bet she

To be fair (he says through gritted teeth), he said the “family of a young man” which could be a soldier. However, it clearly didn’t happen because, as another commenter pointed out, there was no photo op. No way Trump does any sort of “morale” visit without cameras. 

Of course. Getting caught in lies is why he hates “note takers” and any sort of record. It’s also why he’s gone to a lot of effort to establish a “fake news” mentality in his base. He can’t tell the truth — his only defense is to claim others are lying.

True. This is what it’s come to — basically, we fully expect the President of the United States to lie about everything, no matter how trivial.

Just out of curiosity, was there any attempt to verify that Trump visited anybody? At all? Seems like just the stupid sort of lie Trump would blurt out without realizing that reporters can check.

He’ll lie because he literally doesn’t know how to do anything else. He’s a completely uncontrolled malignant narcissist:

Not crayon. Sharpie. Trump’s calligraphic tool of choice for indicating the paths of oncoming hurricanes. 

This is the smart move. If you’re leaving, you usually know well before you actually give notice. Take your time and get what you need before giving notice. And yes, get it out of the building before giving notice.

I’m 110% certain Michael was being facetious. He knows nobody that read his article will ever patronize that establishment. He just wanted everyone to know what restaurant to avoid.

This is the correct take. If the Ocher Oligarch can’t go to Alabama, he needs to start holing up in his Führerbunker and watching tapes of his greatest white nationalist rallies.

Unless proceeds of the sale go to the victim, I’m okay with your solution. 

Yeah, that math didn’t work for me either. For that matter, why isn’t this “restaurant” seized and sold? It was used in the commission of a crime.

Yeah, I think someone discusses Epstein’s “options” with him and made it clear that suicide was the option Epstein needed to choose. .