Bryan L

Well, yes. That’s what “unmatched wisdom” means. We have to trust him — he’s fucking unmatched!

Point of order: McDonald’s doesn’t serve pot roast. 

Uh, yeah. Citation needed. 

I know. The funny thing is that he absolutely will be remembered, but not in the manner he would prefer. It will be even funnier if he’s still got the mental wherewithal to understand how reviled he will become. 

I thought it was 64 years ago but I freely admit that somewhere along the way I lost count. 

I’m going out on a limb here, but I’m beginning to suspect that Mr. Giuliani doesn’t provide top-flight legal services. 

Do you take contract work? Asking for a friend. 

“I know you are, but what am I?”

It’s not that surprising. If I recall correctly, Trump whined back during the halcyon days of the Mueller Report that impeachment would tarnish his “legacy.” He’s obsessed with being remembered for “something,” but is too stupid and senile to actually come up with something with a lasting impact. I think he believes

Fair point. I read up on it after I posted. It seems a doctor (maybe more than one) pointed out that his bizarre and insane behavior conforms to symptoms of neurosyphilis. And it does, but the same doctor said other things could be responsible, plus neurosyphilis presents differently in different people.

Is there any reason to think he actually has that? People keep referring to him as syphilitic, but he’s also a major germaphobe. It doesn’t seem to track. 

Trump? Read? Hoo, that’s a good one.

Yeah, Joe’s functioning kind of like a lightning rod keeping the GOP focus away from Warren. It sure won’t hurt. 

I honestly don’t get the sense that Joe’s heart is in this. I feel like he got talked into it by people who felt he was the only hope for democracy, and at one point, it really did look that way. It’s clear now that there are other options, so yes, he could let go.

The article points out that his obesity contributes to his “leaning” posture because his gut pulls him forward. His arms are short and dangle forward because of the “lean.” So he’s balancing on high heels and shoe lifts, which push him forward onto his toes, and he’s constantly fighting gravity to stay upright because

Well done. Very well done indeed. 

“Supposedly” indeed. You’re right, Trump’s not 6'3". He’s probably somewhere around 5'11" or so. He wears lifts and heels, which accounts for his weird “forward leaning” posture. It’s also at least part of the reason he’s frightened by stairs. Even with the lifts, he’s only about 6' or 6'1" at best. See comparison

It really is. Like a child’s hand. 

What? Donald Trump misrepresented the facts?

I’m not so sure they’d lose Trump’s base. Those idiots will follow literally anybody. Critical thinking isn’t part of their toolkit. But if the GOP believes they will lose those votes, it amounts to the same thing.